

State Autonomy and Industrial Policy: A Comparative Analysisof Southeast Asian Countries Digital Economy Industrial Policiesfrom the Neo-statism Perspective
摘要 由于可观的市场潜力,东南亚的数字经济产业受到各界广泛关注。然而,当前对东南亚国家数字经济的研究无法解释各国产业政策的差异及其背后的政治经济逻辑。“是否具有技术先进性”和“是否遵循比较优势”两个维度可以对东南亚国家的数字经济产业政策进行较为妥当的分类。这一分类方式可结合产业相对成熟度的概念和新国家主义理论对特定产业政策选择背后的动因进行分析。案例比较分析表明,新加坡、马来西亚和菲律宾在战略选择上的差异源于产业相对成熟度和国家自主性的差异,而这些差异又根植于各国内部迥异的政治、经济和社会因素。较高的产业相对成熟度和国家自主性使得新加坡得以做出探索技术前沿的选择;较高的国家自主性使得马来西亚在较低产业相对成熟度的约束下,为发展数字经济提供政策支持。较低产业相对成熟度和国家自主性限制了菲律宾的选择,无法超越现有的比较优势,难以为数字经济提供强大的产业政策支持。 Southeast Asia s digital economy industry has attracted a lot of attention due to the considerable potential shown by the huge market size and a high growth rate.However,current studies about the digital economy of Southeast Asian countries cannot explain the differences in industrial policies across countries and various political economic logics behind these industrial policies.This article classifies the industrial policies of Southeast Asian countries based on the two arguments of“whether the country is technologically advanced”and“whether the country follows comparative advantage”,and combines the concept of relative industry maturity and the theory of Neo-statism to analyze the motivations behind specific industrial policy choices.On the basis of case studies,this article points out that the differences in strategic choices between Singapore,Malaysia and the Philippines stem from differences in the relative industry maturity and state autonomy,and that these differences are rooted in the different political,economic and social factors within each country.Higher relative industry maturity and state autonomy allow Singapore to make the choice to explore technological frontiers;higher state autonomy allows Malaysia to integrate national consensus and resources to build a digital economy despite lower relative industry maturity;lower relative industry maturity and state autonomy make it difficult for the Philippines to transcend its existing comparative advantages and provide stronger industrial policy support for the digital economy.
作者 石有为 SHI Youwei(Center for ASEAN Countries,Peking University,Beijing 100871)
出处 《南洋问题研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期20-43,共24页 Southeast Asian Affairs
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“印太战略下‘东盟中心地位’重构与中国—东盟共建‘海上丝绸之路’研究”(20&ZD145)。
关键词 东南亚 数字经济 产业政策 新国家主义 “数字丝绸之路” Southeast Asia digital economy industrial policy Neo-statism Digital Silk Road
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