

Dialectical Unity of Seeking Truth from Facts and Exploring Truth
摘要 对真理的把握践行,是一个政党区别于其他政党的重要标识。正确的思想路线是发现和坚持真理的前提,有什么样的思想路线、认识方法,就会形成什么样的思想方法、理论体系,进而就会有什么样的行动和实践。一部中国共产党历史,就是一部中国共产党人实事求是、探索真理的历史。实事求是是中国共产党的思想路线和认识方法,坚持实事求是的过程是实践的过程、认知的过程、探索真理的过程。唯有从实际出发、把握事物本质、揭示发展规律,才能真正探寻客观真理。中国共产党将实事求是与真理探索辩证统一于伟大实践,走过了百余年光辉历程。新征程上,我们要继续弘扬伟大的实事求是精神。 The grasp and practice of truth is an important symbol of a political party that is different from other political parties.A correct ideological line is the premise of discovering and adhering to the truth.The formation of the way of thinking and a theoretical system is decided by ideological lines and cognitive methods,which then leads to corresponding actions and practices.The history of the Communist Party of China is the history of the Chinese Communists seeking truth from facts and exploring the truth.Seeking truth from facts is the ideological line and cognitive method of the Communist Party of China,and the process of adhering to the principle of seeking truth from facts is a process of practice,cognition and truth exploration.Only by proceeding from reality,grasping the nature of things and revealing the law of development can we truly explore objective truth.The Communist Party of China has gone through a glorious journey of more than 100 years by dialectically integrating seeking truth from facts and exploring the truth into its great practice.On our new journey,we must continue to carry forward the great spirit of seeking truth from facts.
作者 贾立政 Jia Lizheng
机构地区 贵州大学 人民日报
出处 《学术前沿》 北大核心 2024年第12期90-96,共7页 Frontiers
基金 马克思主义理论研究和建设工程特别委托项目“正确认识做到‘两个维护’与坚持民主集中制”的阶段性成果,项目编号:2021MYB034。
关键词 中国共产党 马克思主义 实事求是 真理 思想路线 Communist Party of China Marxism seeking truth from facts truth ideological line
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