

Study on the medication rule of professor Jiang Yiping in treating hepatitis B cirrhosis based on data mining
摘要 目的:探讨江一平教授治疗乙型肝炎肝硬化代偿期的处方用药规律。方法:收集整理江一平教授治疗乙型肝炎肝硬化代偿期患者的病案,运用IBM SPSS Modeler 18及IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0的关联分析和聚类分析等方法,对用用药及方剂规则进行归纳。结果:中药频次分析的前10位中药为鳖甲、丹参、柴胡、甘草、川芎、当归、三棱、莪术、陈皮、生地。气滞血瘀痰凝型的核心药对为莪术、三棱,莪术、鳖甲;肝郁脾虚型的核心药对为柴胡、甘草,柴胡、党参;肝郁气滞型的核心药对为柴胡、香附,香附、陈皮;湿热中阻型的核心药对为茵陈、大黄,金钱草、大黄;气虚血亏型的核心药对为黄芪、当归,谷芽、麦芽。气滞血瘀痰凝型代表性处方为血府逐瘀汤类方;肝郁脾虚型代表性处方为柴芍六君汤类方和保和丸类方;肝郁气滞型代表性处方为柴胡疏肝散类方;湿热中阻型代表性处方为茵陈蒿汤类方;气虚血亏型代表性处方为当归补血汤类方、归脾汤类方和四君子汤类方。结论:江一平教授重视化瘀软坚散结、健脾养肝、清利湿热、扶正祛邪的治法治则,善用活血化瘀类、软坚散结类、清热类、补虚类、疏肝类药物治疗乙型肝炎肝硬化代偿期。 Objective:To explore the prescription rule of Professor Jiang Yiping in the compensatory treatment of hepatitis B cirrhosis.Methods:Collect and sorted out the medical records of Professor Jiang Yiping in the treatment of patients with compensated hepatitis B cirrhosis,and summarized the association analysis and cluster analysis by the methods of IBM SPSS Modeler 18 and IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0.Results:The top ten Chinese medicines in the frequency analysis of Chinese medicine were:turtle jia,Salvia miltiorrhiza,Bupleurum,licorice,Chuanxiong,Angelica,SanLeng,zedoary,tangerine peel and raw ground.Qi stagnation blood stasis sputum coagulation type of core drugs for zedoary,three edges,zedoary,turtle armour.The core medicine for liver depression and spleen deficiency type is bupleurum,licorice,bupleurum,and Dangshen.The core drugs of liver stagnation type are bupleurum,incense,incense,and tangerine peel.The core medicine of resistance type in damp and heat has wormwood,rhubarb,money grass,and rhubarb.Gas deficiency of blood deficiency type of the core drugs for astragalus,angelica,grain bud,and malt.The representative prescription of qi stagnation,blood stasis,and phlegm coagulation is blood mansion.The representative prescription for liver depression and spleen deficiency is Chai Shao Liujun soup prescription and Baohe pill prescription.The representative prescription of liver stagnation and qi stagnation is buhu liver dispersing formula.The representative prescription of liver stagnation and qi stagnation is buhu liver dispersing formula.The representative prescription of resistance in damp and heat is Yin Chen artemisia soup.The representative prescription of resistance in damp and heat is wormwood soup.The representative prescriptions of qi deficiency and blood deficiency are angelica blood tonic soup,spleen soup,and four gentleman soup.Conclusion:Professor Jiang Yiping attaches great importance to the treatment of removing blood stasis,soft and dispersing,invigorating spleen and liver,clearing dampness and heat,and making good use of blood circulation and removing blood stasis drugs,soft and dispersing drugs,heat clearing drugs,deficiency drugs,and liver thinning drugs to treat the compensation period of hepatitis B cirrhosis.
作者 邱宽 徐如龙 张智 江一平 QIU Kuan;XU Ru-long;HANG Zhi(Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanchang,330008,China;不详)
出处 《中西医结合肝病杂志》 CAS 2024年第7期613-618,共6页 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine on Liver Diseases
基金 江西省中医药中青年骨干人才(第三批)培养计划项目[赣中医药科教字(2021)4号] 江一平全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目〔国中医药人教函[2022]75号〕。
关键词 乙型肝炎 肝硬化代偿期 数据挖掘 hepatitis B compensatory stage of cirrhosis data mining
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