

Economic Analysis of Ammonia Fuel and Experimental Analysis of Coal-ammonia Blending and Combustion
摘要 目前,世界各国对温室气体的排放愈加关注。在我国“双碳”的背景下,对低碳或无碳燃料的充分利用势在必行。氨作为基本化工的无碳原料,产量大,具有易液化、易长期存储、易长距运输、零碳排放等特点。煤掺氨燃烧可以减少燃煤锅炉CO_(2)的排放,在碳中和背景下,氨将成为氢能利用的一种重要氢基燃料。西部大型综合风光能源基地会产生不稳定电源,随之存在大量的弃风、弃光,故可将其用于氨燃料的生产。本文对氨燃料的生产成本进行经济性分析,后对锅炉煤掺氨燃烧技术进行分析。研究发现绿氨的生产成本主要受到电价的影响,当电价降到0.1元/kW·h以下,可用其代替天然气;当煤与氨混合燃烧时,氨煤的混合比例和不同的分级水平会影响NO_(x)的排放。在空气不分级燃烧条件下,当氨混合比增加时,NO_(x)排放减少。在空气分级燃烧条件下,可以发现尾气NO_(x)排放量随着NH3混合比的增加而增加,但NH3的增加对NO_(x)排放量增加的影响随着燃尽空气位置比的增加逐渐消失。 Currently,countries around the world are increasingly concerned about greenhouse gas emissions.In the context of China's"dual carbon"goals,it is imperative to fully utilize low-carbon or zero-carbon fuels.Ammonia,as a basic chemical industry zero-carbon fuel,has the characteristics of large production,easy liquefaction,long-term storage,long-distance transportation,and zero carbon emissions.Coal mixed with ammonia combustion can reduce the CO_(2) emissions of coal-fired boilers.This paper conducts an economic analysis of the production costs of ammonia fuel,and then analyzes the technology of coal mixed with ammonia combustion in boilers.The study found that the production cost of green ammonia is mainly affected by electricity prices.When the electricity price drops below 0.1 kW·h,it can replace natural gas.When coal is mixed with ammonia combustion,the ratio of ammonia-coal mixing and the different grading levels will affect the emission of NO_(x).Under the air non-grading combustion conditions,when the ammonia mixing ratio increases,the NO_(x) emission decreases.Under the air grading combustion condition,it can be found that the tail gas NO_(x) emission increases with the increase of NH3 co-combustion ratio,but the effect of NH3 addition on the increase of NO_(x) emission gradually disappears with the increase of the burnout air position ratio.
作者 韦耿 赵硕 王星博 王勇 汪鑫 WEI Geng;ZHAO Shuo*;WANG Xingbo;WANG Yong;WNAG Xin(Clean Combustion and Flue Gas Purification Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,611731,Chengdu,China;School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong University,200240,Shanghai,China)
出处 《东方电气评论》 2024年第4期41-46,共6页 Dongfang Electric Review
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目,项目编号:2022YFB4003904。
关键词 氨燃料 经济性分析 氨煤混燃 NO_(x)排放 ammonia fuel economic analysis coal-ammonia blending NO_(x) emissions1
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