

Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of uterine prolapse with traditional Chinese medicine(revised):a protocol
摘要 为规范并提高子宫脱垂的中医诊疗水平,中华中医药学会妇科分会暨天津中医药大学第一附属医院牵头发起《子宫脱垂中医诊疗指南》的修订工作。指南修订工作组基于现有的相关文献证据,严格遵守循证指南修订原则与步骤,组建多学科、多领域专家团队,规范开展指南修订工作。本计划书重点介绍指南修订的必要性、指南项目组的建立与分工、临床问题的确定、证据筛选与评价、推荐意见形成等。 In order to standardize and improve the level of TCM diagnosis and treatment of uterine prolapse,the Gynecology Branch of China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine took the lead in initiating the revision of the"Guidelines for the TCM diagnosis and treatment of uterine prolapse".Based on the existing relevant literature,the guideline revision working group strictly abides by the principles and steps of evidence-based guideline revision,and establishes a multi-disciplinary and multi-field expert team to standardize the guideline revision work.This plan focuses on the necessity of guideline revision,the establishment and division of labor of the guideline project team,the determination of clinical problems,the screening and evaluation of evidence,and the formation of recommendations.
作者 许凯凯 张晗 褚梦圆 杨嘉琪 闫颖 XU Kaikai;ZHANG Han;CHU Mengyuan;YANG Jiaqi;YAN Ying(First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Tianjin 300073,P.R.China;National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Tianjin 300073,P.R.China)
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期751-754,共4页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
基金 全国中医学术流派传承工作室-天津哈氏妇科流派工作室支持项目(编号:LPGZS2012-04)。
关键词 子宫脱垂 中医药 诊断 治疗 指南计划书 Uterine prolapse Traditional Chinese medicine Diagnosis Treatment Guideline protocol
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