

Breeding and cultivation techniques of new peanut variety Zhehua 6 with high oleic acid content
摘要 浙花6号是以花育52号为母本、小京生为父本组配杂交组合,杂交后代按系谱法结合多代定向筛选选育而成的高油酸花生新品种,具有高产稳产、早熟性突出、抗倒性强、适应性广等特点。该品种于2020—2021年参加浙江省区域试验,平均荚果产量4074.00 kg·hm^(-2),平均籽仁产量3040.58 kg·hm^(-2),分别比对照小京生增产36.4%和47.5%。2020年经农业农村部农产品及加工品质量安全监督检验测试中心(杭州)检测其蛋白质含量22.0%,油酸含量77.9%,亚油酸含量4.74%,油亚比16.43。该品种中抗叶斑病、青枯病和锈病,于2023年通过国家非主要农作物品种登记,是目前浙江省育成的首个高油酸食用型花生新品种。浙花6号高产稳产、早熟性好、耐连作,综合性状优良,适宜在长江中下游生态区浙江地区春播及夏播种植。 Zhehua 6 is a new high oleic acid peanut variety,which is a combination of Huayu 52 as the female parent and Xiaojingsheng as the male parent,and the hybrid offspring were selected and bred according to the genealogical method and multi-generation directional screening.It has the characteristics of high and stable yield,outstanding early maturity,strong lodging resistance and wide adaptability.This variety participated in the regional experiment in Zhejiang Province from 2020 to 2021,with an average pod yield of 4074.00 kg·hm^(-2) and an average seed kernel yield of 3040.58 kg·hm^(-2),which were increased by 36.4%and 47.5%respectively compared with the control Xiaojingsheng.In 2020,its protein content was 22.0%,oleic acid content was 77.9%,linoleic acid content was 4.74%,and the ratio of oleric acid to linoleic acid was 16.43,which were detected by Hangzhou Center of Inspection and Testing for Quality and Safety of Agricultural and Processed Products,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,P.R.China.This variety showed moderate resistance to leaf spot,bacterial wilt and rust,and had been registered as a national non-major crop variety in 2023.It is currently the first high oleic acid edible peanut new variety developed in Zhejiang Province.Zhehua 6 has high and stable yield,outstanding early maturity,tolerance to continuous cropping,and excellent comprehensive characters,and is suitable for spring and summer planting in the ecological area of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Zhejiang Province.
作者 张小利 李付振 厉宝仙 陈小央 刘波 张泉锋 方丽 朱灵龙 范飞军 ZHANG Xiaoli;LI Fuzhen;LI Baoxian;CHEN Xiaoyang;LIU Bo;ZHANG Quanfeng;FANG Li;ZHU Linglong;FAN Feijun(Institute of Crop and Nuclear Technology Utilization,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Digital Dry Land Crops,Hangzhou 310021,Zhejiang;Zhejiang Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Hangzhou 310020,Zhejiang;Zhejiang Provincial Seed Management Station,Hangzhou 310020,Zhejiang;Crop Terminal of Lishui,Lishui 323000,Zhejiang;Zhejiang Wuwangnong Seeds Sharcholding Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 311215,Zhejiang)
出处 《浙江农业科学》 2024年第7期1563-1566,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 浙江省农业新品种选育重大科技专项“油料新品种选育”项目(2021C02064-2) 浙江省农业农村厅2014年度农作物种质资源保护任务“大田旱作种质资源收集及开发利用”项目 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(32201797)。
关键词 花生 新品种 浙花6号 高油酸 栽培技术 peanut new varieties Zhehua 6 high oleic acid cultivation technique
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