

Construction and Practice of Provincial High-level Professional Groups Based on Huang Yanpei’s Concept of Quality in Vocational Education
摘要 黄炎培作为职业教育理论研究与实践的集大成者,对我国现代职业教育的跨越式发展,尤其是对目前高职院校国、省“双高计划”建设有深刻的指导意义。本研究基于目前我国学者对黄炎培及其职业教育思想的广泛研究所取得的丰硕成果,创新性地提炼并总结了黄炎培职业教育的思想内涵,凝练了黄炎培职业教育质量观,并明确了其内涵和外延。在此基础上,进一步研究了黄炎培职业教育质量观视域下省级高水平专业群建设实施路径,将黄炎培的职业教育思想内核融入高职院校高质量发展的全过程当中,充分加强多元办学、校企合作,深化产教融合,推动科教,让职业教育大有可为,大有作为。最后,总结了陕西国防工业职业技术学院以黄炎培职业教育质量观为理论指导,高质量推进新能源汽车技术省级高水平专业群建设的实践案例,形成一套“可借鉴、可操作、可推广”的方法。 Huang Yanpei has had a significant impact on the development of China’s modern vocational education as a master of both theory and practice in the field,particularly in the creation of the national and provincial“double-high program”for higher vocational colleges and universities.This study creatively summarizes and refines Huang Yanpei’s ideas on vocational education,condenses Huang Yanpei’s view on the quality of vocational education,and clarifies its connotation and extension based on the fruitful findings of the extensive research on Huang Yanpei and his ideas on vocational education by scholars in China.On the basis of this,Huang Yanpei’s notion of the quality of vocational education is further investigated as it relates to the implementation route of provincial high-level professional group creation and the core of Huang Yanpei’s ideas on vocational education are incorporated into the entire process of high-quality development of higher vocational colleges and universities.This fully strengthens the variety of school operations,school-enterprise cooperation,deepens the integration of industry and education,and advances the integration of science and education,allowing the vocational education to have a lot of potential applications and make a significant contribution.It concludes by summarizing the application case of Shaanxi National Defense Industry Vocational and Technical College,which promotes the development of a provincial-level high-level professional group of new energy automobile technology with high quality,forming a set of methods that can be borrowed,operated,and promoted.Huang Yanpei’s concept of the quality of vocational education is used as a theoretical guide.
作者 史成君 谢雅儒 杨茂芽 Shi Chengjun;Xie Yaru;Yang Maoya(Shaanxi Institute of Technology,Xian,Shaanxi 710300,P.R.China)
出处 《科学咨询》 2024年第11期205-208,共4页
基金 陕西省职业技术教育学会2023年度教育教学改革研究课题“基于黄炎培职业教育质量观的省级高水平专业群建设与实践”(2023SZX039)。
关键词 黄炎培 职业教育 产教融合 科教融汇 新能源汽车技术 省级高水平专业群建设 Huang Yanpei Vocational education Integration of production and education Integration of science and education New energy vehicle technology Provincial-level high-level professional group construction
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