In the two versions of Vasari’s Lives by Vasari and Condivi’s The Life of Michelangelo , Michelangelo is depicted as a prominent and heroic figure who dares to confront his sponsors, used to demonstrate the significant elevation of the social status of artists during the Renaissance. In fact, this viewpoint is based on a misunderstanding of Michelangelo, exaggerating the independence of elite artists and the extent to which the social status of the artist community has improved, which is the deliberate result of the biographers’ shaping. The analysis of the writing and historical investigation of the biography of Michelangelo’s tomb sculptures for Julius II helps to recognize the exaggeration and deliberate shaping of Michelangelo’s image by biographers, to gain a precise understanding of the elevation of the artist’s status and to provide a correct positioning of the relationship between artists and sponsors.
Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)