

New Qualitative Productivity and the Expansion of Independent Knowledge System in Chinese Economics
摘要 习近平总书记关于“社会生产力水平总体跃升”和“最大限度解放和激发科技作为第一生产力所蕴藏的巨大潜能”的论断,阐明了经济新常态下生产力新的质态变化的经济根由和科学技术变革的内在规定;以新发展理念、新发展阶段和新发展格局集成的中国经济学自主知识体系,凝练了新质生产力的精粹,形成中国特色“系统化的经济学说”的逻辑起点。新质生产力适应现代化经济体系建设和高质量发展的新要求,也对现代化经济体系建设和高质量发展提供最根本的势能;新质生产力是中国式现代化发展的根本动力,也是中国式现代化全面推进的标识。作为习近平经济思想在实践创新和理论创新中实现的“术语的革命”,新质生产力彰显了中国特色社会主义政治经济学“术语的革命”的中国智慧和中国力量。 General secretary Xi Jinping’s assertions on"the overall improvement of the level of social productive forces"and"maximizing emancipation and stimulation of the great potential contained in science and technology as the primary productive forces"illustrate the economic roots of the new qualitative changes in productive forces and the inherent rules of scientific and technological change in the new normal of economy.The independent knowledge system of Chinese economics,integrated with new development concepts,stages,and patterns,has condensed the essence of new productive forces and formed the logical starting point of a systematic economic theory with Chinese characteristics.The new productive forces adapt to the new requirements of the construction of a modern economic system and high-quality development,and also provide the most fundamental momentum for the construction of a modern economic system and high-quality development;The new quality productivity is the fundamental driving force for the development of Chinese modernization,and is also the benchmark for the overall advancement of Chinese modernization.As the"terminology revolution"of Xi Jinping economic thought in practical innovation and theoretical innovation,the new productive forces highlight the Chinese wisdom and strength of the"terminology revolution"of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.
作者 顾海良 Gu Hailiang
出处 《中共中央党校(国家行政学院)学报》 北大核心 2024年第2期5-13,共9页 Journal of The Party School of The Central Committee of The C.P.C(Chinese Academy of Governance)
基金 教育部重大专项课题“习近平经济思想的形成和发展”(2024JZDZ001)。
关键词 习近平经济思想 新质生产力 中国经济学自主知识体系 高质量发展 中国式现代化 Xi Jinping Economic Thought New Quality Productivity Independent Knowledge System of Chinese Economics High Quality Development Chinese Modernization
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