

A qualitative analysis on cognition of myopia and needs of health education among parents of pupils in Chongqing City
摘要 目的调查重庆市主城区小学生家长对于近视成因的了解和近视防控科普知识的需求,并提出从家庭近视防控出发的相关建议。方法自行设计访谈提纲,采取半结构式访谈,运用内容分析法并进行三级编码,将访谈结果进行结构化描述,并利用矩阵查询分析不同属性特征下家长近视了解知识的差异。结果家长认为造成近视的原因主要为读写行为及环境(40.33%)、电子产品(35.04%)、生活方式(14.23%)和其他(如用眼卫生、遗传等)方面(10.40%)。家长需求方面,尤其希望由学校向孩子传播近视防控知识。通过矩阵查询发现,母亲角色相比其他家庭角色掌握更多的近视防控知识,孩子近视以及年级较高孩子的家长近视防控知识掌握更好,但能即时答出4个及以上知识点的均不超过1/4。结论家长对于近视防控的知识储备还相对欠缺,其广度和深度均不足,同时家长在履行家庭近视防控职责时存在“逃避观念”。家长应努力发挥主观能动性学习并执行家庭近视防控,落实学校和家庭环境近视防控的双保险。 Objective To investigate the understanding of parents of pupils on the causes of myopia and the knowledge of myopia prevention and control,and to put forward relevant suggestions on the prevention and control of myopia in home.Methods The interview outline was self-designed,the semi-structured interview was adopted,and three-level coding was used in content analysis method.The interview results were structured and described,and the matrix query was used to analyze the differences in parents'knowledge of myopia under different attributes.Results Parents believed that the main causes of myopia were reading and writing behavior and environment(40.33%),electronic products(35.04%),lifestyle(14.23%)and other aspects(such as eye hygiene,genetics,etc.)(10.40%).In terms of their needs,parents especially hoped to get the knowledge of myopia prevention and control from schools to their children.Through the matrix query.it was found that mother had more knowledge of myopia prevention and control than other family members,and the parents of the children with myopia and the children with higher grades had better knowledge of myopia prevention and control,but no more than a quarter of them could answer four points or more knowledge immediately.Conclusion Parents'knowledge reserve of the prevention and control of myopia is not enough still,and its breadth and depth are insufficient.At the same time,parents have the concept of"evasion"when performing the responsibility of family myopia prevention and control.Parents should try to exert their subjective initiative to study and implement the prevention and control of family myopia,and implement the double insurance of prevention and control of myopia in school and family environment.
作者 赵文 文亚奇 蓝梅 苏雨 王天坤 王明博 曾缓 袁军 赵勇 ZHAO Wen;WEN Ya-qi;LAN Mei;SU Yu;WANG Tian-kun;WANG Ming-bo;ZENG Huan;YUAN Jun;ZHAO Yong(School of Public health,Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 401331,China)
出处 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2024年第5期420-423,435,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 2020年中央彩票公益金资助重庆市健康科普系列活动(20C083)。
关键词 近视防控 家长 小学生 Nvivo 质性分析 Myopia prevention and control Parent Pupil Nvivo Qualitative analysis
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