

Internal Characteristics and Value Implications of the Sportsmanship of the National Southwest Associated University and its Inheritance Approaches
摘要 西南联大体育精神是中华体育精神谱系的重要组成部分,是西南联大在体育教育实践中积淀的深厚底蕴。从内涵上看,西南联大体育精神的核心思想与西南联大“刚毅坚卓”的校训内核一致,具体可提炼为“刚毅不屈、合作无间、坚韧不拔、卓尔不群”。从价值上看,弘扬西南联大体育精神是贯彻落实习近平总书记考察调研西南联大旧址的重要指示精神的具体实践;是切实履行立德树人根本任务、培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的重要路径;是赓续中华体育精神谱系、推进体育强国建设的关键内容。在传承上,可以通过建构西南联大体育精神资源体系、深化西南联大体育精神研究阐释、加大西南联大体育精神宣传教育、丰富西南联大体育精神传承实践方案等路径,让西南联大体育精神放射出新的时代光芒,为教育强国、体育强国建设提供精神支撑。 The sportsmanship of the National Southwest Associated University(NSAU)is an important part of the tradition of the Chinese sportsmanship and reveals the rich implications accumulated through the sports education by NSAU.In terms of implications,the core idea of the sportsmanship of NSAU is consistent with its motto“persistence and perseverance”,or specifically defined as“fortitude,cooperation,perseverance and excellence”.In terms of value,carrying forward the sportsmanship of NSAU is a concrete implementation of Xi Jinping’s important instruction during his visit to the former site of NSAU,an important approach for effectively carrying out the fundamental task of establishing good morality and training socialist builders and successors who have multi-qualifications in terms of morality,intelligence,physical fitness,aesthetics and labor,and a key element for continuing the tradition of the Chinese sportsmanship and advancing the construction of a leading sporting nation.In terms of inheritance,it can play an important role in popularizing the spirit of the new era and provide some spiritual support for the construction of a strong country in education and sports by constructing a resource system,furthering the relevant research and interpretation,promoting the publicity and education and enriching the practical programs for the inheritance of the sportsmanship of NSAU.
作者 闫静 仇军 郝光安 袁晖 YAN Jing;QIU Jun;HAO Guangan;YUAN Hui(School of P.E.,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,China;Division of Sports Science and Physical Education,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;Department of P.E.,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;Department of P.E.,Nankai University,Tianjin 300017,China)
出处 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期129-136,共8页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 西南联大体育精神 中华体育精神 马约翰 以体育人 体育强国 sportsmanship of the National Southwest Associated University Chinese sportsmanship John Mo training people by means of sports leading sporting nation
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