

Review of the Dynamic Development and Application of Quantum Economic Theory
摘要 量子经济理论是一种前沿且复杂的经济学分支,其基本概念包括量子态、量子叠加和量子纠缠等,以测不准原理、对应原理、量子原理、可观察原理和最小作用量原理等为基本原理,研究量子经济活动规律及其原理应用的理论。目前量子经济理论仍处于探索和发展阶段,尽管已取得一定的成果,如在优化投资组合、加强数据安全、提高决策效率、探索新的经济模型等方面已经显现其独有的作用,但这一理论仍尚未成熟,还存在诸多局限,如量子计算技术尚不成熟、跨学科合作交流不足、产业化成本高昂、人才稀缺、相关政策空白等。因此,该理论仍需进一步拓展和应用转化。鉴于量子经济理论的广阔前景和巨大潜力,本文系统梳理其发展动态、主要模型及其应用,为全面掌握量子经济理论发展新动向及其应用提供参考。 Quantum economic theory is a cutting-edge and complex branch of economics.Its basic concepts include quantum states,quantum superposition and quantum entanglement,etc.The uncertainty principle,correspondence principle,quantum principle,observable principle and least action principle are taken as the basic principles to study the laws of quantum economic activities and the application of the principles.At present,quantum economic theory is still in the stage of exploration and development,although it has achieved certain results,such as optimizing investment portfolio,strengthening data security,improving decision-making efficiency,and exploring new economic models.However,this theory is still not mature,and there are many limitations,such as immature quantum computing technology,insufficient interdisciplinary cooperation and communication,high industrialization costs,talent scarcity,and related policy gaps.Therefore,the theory still needs to be further expanded and applied.In view of the broad prospect and huge potential of quantum economic theory,this paper systematically reviews its development dynamics,main models and main applications,so as to provide a reference for comprehensively grasping the new development trends and applications of quantum economic theory.
作者 伍湘陵 张彩瑞 WU Xiangling;ZHANG Cairui
机构地区 宁波大学商学院
出处 《新经济》 2024年第7期129-144,共16页 New Economy
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目“非传统安全视域下企业跨境数据‘域外治理’模式研究”(24NDJC064YB) 宁波大学课堂教学改革项目“新商科人才培养为导向的《大数据与国际商务》课程改革研究”(JYXMXKG202002) 宁波市哲学社会科学规划项目“宁波企业对标国际前沿高水平开放合作框架发展策略研究”(G2023-11-9)。文责自负。
关键词 量子经济 量子计算 量子纠缠 Quantum Economic Quantum Computing Quantum Entanglement
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