

Spatial Transformation and Value Reconstruction of Overseas Chinese Restaurant Industry after the Epidemic:An Empirical Analysis Based on Qingtian Overseas Chinese
摘要 海外中餐馆具有促进华侨经济发展、增进中外文化交流的双重功效。新冠疫情暴露出海外中餐馆存在“盈利空间缩小”“数字转型困难”“文化传播力弱”等问题。文章引入社会资本理论,以青田籍华侨为切入口,运用扎根理论研究法,深入访谈海外中餐馆从业者、消费者、侨务工作人员,构建疫情后海外中餐馆转型升级路径理论模型。研究显示,产业发展的空间转化和交流平台的价值重构对疫情后海外中餐馆转型升级有重要影响,并通过显性与隐性互构推动海外中餐馆创新与发展。基于上述发现,研究结合浙江省侨联推进的“万家海外中餐馆行动计划”,提出搭建中餐社交系统、更新元宇宙数字化技术、打造餐饮公用品牌、制定品质标准和评价体系等对策建议。 The overseas Chinese restaurants established by overseas Chinese have the double effect of promoting economic development of overseas Chinese and strengthening Sino-foreign cultural communication.However,the epidemic has exposed the problems of“shrinking profit space”,“difficulties in digital transformation”and“weak cultural transmission”in overseas Chinese restaurants.This paper draws on the social capital theory,takes Qingtian overseas Chinese as the starting point,adopts grounded theory research method,and conducts in-depth interviews with overseas Chinese restaurant practitioners,consumers,overseas Chinese affairs personnel and other groups to build a theoretical model of the transformation and upgrading path of overseas Chinese restaurants after the epidemic.The research shows that the spatial transformation of industrial development and the value reconstruction of the exchange platform have an important impact on the transformation and upgrading of overseas Chinese restaurants in the post-epidemic context,and promote the innovation and development of overseas Chinese restaurants through the mutual structure of the explicit and the implicit.Based on the above findings,the study combines the“10000 Overseas Chinese Restaurants Project”promoted by Zhejiang Federation of Overseas Chinese and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions such as building a Chinese food social system,updating digital technologies of meta universe,building public brands of catering,and developing quality standards and evaluation systems.
作者 廖峰 孙与霞 洪蓝燕 LIAO Feng;SUN Yuxia;HONG Lanyan(Publicity Department of the Party Committee,Lishui University,Lishui 323000,Zhejiang;School of Teacher Education,Lishui University,Lishui 323000,Zhejiang)
出处 《丽水学院学报》 2024年第4期1-9,共9页 Journal of Lishui University
基金 中国侨联课题“后疫情时代海外中餐业发展的空间转化与价值重构——基于青田华侨的实证分析”(23FZQK101)。
关键词 海外中餐馆 青田华侨 空间转化 价值重构 overseas Chinese restaurant industry Qingtian overseas Chinese spatial transformation value reconstruction
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