

Opportunities,Difficulties and Countermeasures of Ideological Construction in University in the Era of Integration of Digital and Intelligence
摘要 数智融合时代,加强高校意识形态建设是顺应媒体传播新样态发展的现实需要,是维护高校意识形态安全的必然选择,也是增强高校主流意识形态凝聚力和吸引力的内在要求。新形势下,高校意识形态建设面临多元价值观念广泛传播弱化主流意识形态价值引领、主流意识形态话语表达脱离学生实际需求、“圈层”消解主流意识形态理念认同、推荐算法离散主流意识形态叙事完整性等困境。因此,强化社会主义意识形态阵地建设、构建符合媒介传播特点的意识形态话语内容体系、推动主流意识形态传播方式创新、提升辅导员意识形态工作能力是推动高校意识形态建设提质增效的关键。 In the era of integration of digital and intelligence,strengthening the university ideological construction is a practical need to adapt to the new development of media communication and an inevitable choice to maintain the ideological security in universities,and an inherent requirement to enhance the cohesion and attractiveness of mainstream ideology in universities.Under the new situation,the ideological construction of universities is facing difficulties such as the widespread dissemination of diverse values weakening the guidance of mainstream ideological values,the expression of mainstream ideological discourse detached from the actual needs of students,the dissolution of mainstream ideological concept recognition by the"circle",and the discreteness of recommendation algorithms in the narrative integrity of mainstream consciousness.Strengthening the construction of the socialist ideological front,constructing the ideological content system in line with the characteristics of the media,promoting the innovation of the main ideological communication mode,and improving the ideological work ability of the instructors are the keys to promoting the improvement and efficiency of ideological construction in universities.
作者 宋羽 魏金普 张余 张智 郑坤 SONG Yu;WEI Jin-pu;ZHANG Yu;ZHANG Zhi;ZHENG Kun(Student Affairs Department,Shijiazhuang University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050035,China;Teachers Work Department,Shijiazhuang University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050035,China;Affairs Department,Shijiazhuang University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050035,China)
出处 《石家庄学院学报》 CAS 2024年第4期127-132,共6页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University
基金 河北省社会科学基金项目“大数据时代加强高校网络意识形态话语权建设研究”(HB22ZZ004) 石家庄市社会科学界联合会2023年度社科专家培养项目“基于大数据视角的高校网络舆情应对路径研究”(2023zjpy72)。
关键词 数智融合时代 高校 意识形态 多维策略 the era of integration of digital and intelligence universities ideology multi-dimensional strategy
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