

A New Record of Pipistrellus javanicus(Chiroptera:Vespertilionidae)from Guangdong Province
摘要 为调查广东石门台国家级自然保护区翼手目多样性情况,于2019年9月使用雾网采集到一批蝙蝠,其中5只伏翼(1♂、4♀)体型小,前臂长27.7~30.5 mm。头部及耳朵呈深棕色;被毛较密,背毛暗棕色,腹毛稍浅,基部褐色,毛尖灰白色;后足长约为胫骨长的一半,翼和尾膜深棕色;头骨粗壮,吻突宽平;颧弓窄而短,无眶上突,矢状嵴和人字嵴微弱;齿式:。上述标本与爪哇伏翼Pipistrellus javanicus的外形及头骨特征相符。基于COⅠ基因序列的系统发育分析也支持形态学鉴定结果。本发现为爪哇伏翼在广东省分布的新记录,标本保存于广东省科学院动物研究所。 To investigate the diversity of Chiroptera in the Shimentai National Nature Reserve,Guangdong Province,a batch of bats were collected by mist nets in September 2019.Among the collected bats,5 Pipistrelle bats(1♂,4♀)are small body size,forearm length of 27.7-30.5 mm.The head and ears are dark brown.The coat is dense and the back hair is dark brown.The abdominal hair is slightly lighter than the back hair.The base hair color is brown and the hair tip is gray white.The hind-foot length is about half of the tibia length.The wings and tail membranes are dark brown.The skull is stout and the snout is wide and flat.The zygomatic arch is narrow and short.No supra-orbital process.Sagittal and herringbone ridge is very weak.The dental formula is external and skull characteristics are consistent with those of Pipistrellus javanicus.Phylogenetic analysis based on COⅠ gene sequence also supported the above morphological identification result.This study represents a new chiropteran record in Guangdong Province,China.The specimen is kept in the Institute of Zoology,Guangdong Academy of Science.
作者 黄泽双 肖金海 何向阳 邓瑾 曾金阳 邱源 刘佩莹 陈创杰 张礼标 HUANG Zeshuang;XIAO Jinhai;HE Xiangyang;DENG Jin;ZENG Jinyang;QIU Yuan;LIU Peiying;CHEN Chuangjie;ZHANG Libiao(Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Conservation and Resource Utilization,Institute of Zoology,Guangdong Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510260,China;School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China;Guangdong Shimentai National Nature Reserve Management Bureau,Yingde,Guangdong Province 513000,China)
出处 《四川动物》 北大核心 2024年第4期420-425,共6页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家科技基础资源调查专项项目(2021FY100303,2021FY100502) 广东省动物志编制项目(202115)。
关键词 翼手目(蝙蝠) 爪哇伏翼 广东省 石门台国家级自然保护区 新记录 Chiroptera(bats) Pipistrellus javanicus Guangdong Province Shimentai National Nature Reserve new record
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