

The Enchanting Collision of Light and Time Magic:Exploring the Footprints of Long Afterglow Lifetime
摘要 发光寿命是光化学的重要概念,也是体现发光材料性质的一项重要参数。尽管发光材料在人类生产生活、军事及航空航天领域有广泛的应用,但是普通大众对于“发光寿命有长有短”这一科学概念并没有清晰的认识。本项目以生活中的光为切入点,以发光寿命在人眼可识别范围内(>100 ms)的长余辉材料作为展示媒介。通过探究三聚氰胺与苯二甲酸在水介质中的自组装,设计并合成了一类寿命长、亮度高的有机长余辉材料,因其合成方法简单、原料便宜易得、实验现象明显且重现性高,非常适合作为科普主题;同时在日常生活中探寻发光现象,创新设计趣味动画、“光绘涂鸦”等新型科普模式,寓教于乐、寓教于做,点燃人们探究化学世界的热情;借助Bilibili、抖音等网络平台广泛宣传,拓宽化学知识的普及范围。针对具有不同年龄和知识结构对象群体的特点和需求,科普内容设立了多个独立互动模块,“量体裁衣”,力求获得“覆盖面广、接受度高”的效果,让发光寿命真正贴近生活、走向大众。 Luminescence lifetime is a crucial concept in photochemistry,serving as a significant parameter that characterizes the properties of luminescent materials.Despite the widespread applications of luminescent materials in various fields such as human production,military,aerospace,the general public often lacks a clear understanding of the scientific notion that“Luminescence lifetime can vary”.This project takes everyday light as a starting point and utilizes long afterglow materials with human-recognizable lifetimes(>100 ms)as a medium of demonstration.By investigating the self-assembly of melamine and phthalic acid in an aqueous medium,a class of organic long afterglow materials with extended lifetimes and high brightness is designed and synthesized.The simplicity of the synthesis method,cost-effectiveness of raw materials,clear experimental phenomena,and high reproducibility make it an ideal theme for science popularization.Additionally,the project explores luminescence phenomena in daily life,introducing innovative and engaging modes of science communication such as original animations and“afterglow graffiti”.By leveraging platforms like Bilibili and TikTok,the outreach of chemical knowledge is broadened.The science popularization content includes several independent interactive modules tailored to the characteristics and needs of different audience groups,aiming for broad coverage and high acceptance.This approach ensures that luminescence lifetime becomes intimately connected with everyday life and reaches a wide audience.
作者 孙若曦 徐祎倩 荣绍儒 韩春苗 许辉 Ruoxi Sun;Yiqian Xu;Shaoru Rong;Chunmiao Han;Hui Xu(Key Laboratory of Functional Inorganic Material Chemistry Ministry of Education,School of Chemistry and Materials,Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China)
出处 《大学化学》 CAS 2024年第5期90-97,共8页 University Chemistry
基金 中国学位与研究生教育学会学位与研究生教育研究课题(2020MSA230) 黑龙江大学第三批课程思政建设重点项目 黑龙江大学2022年研究生精品课程建设项目 黑龙江大学2022年研究生课程思政课程建设项目。
关键词 发光现象 发光寿命 长余辉 自组装 梯度科普 Luminescence phenomenon Luminescence lifetime Long afterglow Self-assembly Multilevel science popularization
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