

A"Dongzhuang"Scentscape Construction
摘要 为探寻中国古典园林中香景植物的营建智慧,以明中期吴融至吴奕时苏州“东庄”为研究对象,以吴宽及其友人的诗文、历代园主墓志铭、《东庄图》及题画诗等图文为材料,分析东庄四季香景营造手法和特点,总结东庄演变史及主要香景植物种类,发现园中各类香景植物与人文意象的结合体现了历任园主在营建中的各有侧重,园主通过追求四时之景,呈现出与城内私家宅园迥异的农园特色,并从时间维度解读了东庄的香景体验,旨在为进一步探讨古典园林中的香景营造智慧提供借鉴。 Classical Chinese gardens fully utilize scented plants in gardening practices to create scented spaces,which not only brings people a pleasant olfactory experience,but also provides many benefits for people's physical and mental health.Therefore,it is of great significance to discuss the historical style and modern presentation of incense in classical gardens.In the middle of the Ming Dynasty,along with the economic recovery of Jiangnan and the ban on gardening,the literati gardens flourished,and a number of private gardens emerged in Suzhou for the retired literati to spend their days."Dongzhuang"is a representative example of this."Dongzhuang"in Suzhou in the middle of the Ming Dynasty from Wu Rong to the period of Wu Yi was investigated in this study.Combined with"Records of Dongzhuang"written by Wu Kuan's family and friends,related poems,biographies of the garden masters of the successive generations and their epitaphs,the"Diagram of Dongzhuang"and the corresponding inscribed poems,the evolutionary history of Dongzhuang and main types of scented plants in the garden in the mid-Ming Dynasty were reviewed.Moreover,the scentscape creation methods and aesthetic characteristics of typical nodes in Dongzhuang in different seasons were analyzed based on visual and olfactory performances and cultural intentions of the traditional scentscape.It was found that the full combination of various types of typical scented plants and humanistic images demonstrated key construction shifts of Dongzhuang by gardeners in different periods.The gardeners created scentscapes by combining natural environment and humanistic landscapes,and realized the expression and innovation of the literati's inner feeling through profound experiences in realistic scenes.Due to garden owners'pursuit for scented space in different times and influences of garden construction styles,"Dongzhuang"changed from a farm garden to a house garden.The garden owners created the garden landscape which has scene appreciation in all four seasons by combining plants and buildings.They used plant landscape forming techniques of the Ming Dynasty,including isolated planting,point planting,cluster planting,ring planting,and group planting,around water bodies,rooms,terrain,and other garden elements.During the pursuit of a four-season landscape,the"beauty"of plants and the"kindness"of personality were integrated to achieve personification of plants and guide visitors from the beauty of nature to the cultural characters of plants,thus enabling understanding of symbolic meanings of morality,seclusion,and leisure of gardeners.On a temporal dimension,the scented experiences of"Dongzhuang"were interpreted.The emotional connection and landscape appreciation in the past and present were connected.The presentation mode of plant scentscapes in the garden,the delivered aesthetic value of gardens,and the mapped modern healthy garden,as well as the psychological and spiritual healing philosophy in poems of"Dongzhuang"and"Diagram of Dongzhuang",can give some enlightenment for scented plant allocation and scentscape design.
作者 陈超怡 华田子 吴会 金荷仙 CHEN Chaoyi;HUA Tianzi;WU Hui;JIN Hexian
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期59-67,共9页 South Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52278084):视嗅感知协同作用下的城市绿地植物配置研究 国家留学基金项目(202307390011)。
关键词 东庄 香景 植物 古典园林 园林绘画 吴宽 Dongzhuang scentscape plants classical gardens garden paintings Wu Kuan
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