
乡村学校校长专业化发展的叙事研究: 以江西省上饶市三位乡村学校校长为例

Narrative Research on the Professional Development of Rural School Principals:A Case Study of Three School Principals in Shangrao City,Jiangxi Province
摘要 校长作为乡村基础教育发展的专业人才,其专业化发展对乡村基础教育具有决定性作用,提高乡村校长的专业化水平有助于乡村振兴战略的进一步落实.为了客观地呈现乡村校长在其专业化发展道路上所面临的困难与挑战,研究采用“目的性抽样”的方法对江西省上饶市三所乡村学校校长进行了半结构化访谈.结果发现,受人力、物力、生源、文化等多因素制约,乡村学校校长在规划学校发展、领导课程教学、引领教师专业发展、优化内部管理、调适外部环境等方面感到心有余而力不足.政府应当通过增加教育资源投入、保障教育经费、为乡村教师提供专业发展机会等方式,以解决乡村学校师资力量薄弱和教学设施不足等问题.同时,教育行政部门应在校长培训内容中增设相应的理论模块,弥补乡村校长的理论短板.校长自身需具备规划学校发展的视野、营造育人文化的意识、领导课程教学的知识、引领教师专业发展的能力,保持对政策的敏感性,优化学校内部管理,积极争取社会资源来促进学生与学校的共同发展. As professionals contributing to the development of rural basic education,school principals play a decisive role in the professionalization of rural education.Enhancing the professional competence of rural school principals is beneficial for the further implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.In order to objectively depict the difficul-ties and challenges faced by rural school principals in their professional development,the study employed a"purposive sampling"method to investigate school principals from three rural schools in Shangrao City,Jiangxi Province.The re-search revealed that constrained by factors such as manpower,resources,student sources,and culture,rural school principals face challenges in areas such as planning school development,leading curriculum teaching,guiding teacher professional development,optimizing internal management,and adapting to external environments.In these aspects,they often find themselves willing but lacking in capability.The study suggests that the government can address the is-sues of inadequate teaching staff and insufficient teaching facilities in rural schools by increasing investment in educa-tional resources,ensuring education funding,and providing career development opportunities for rural teachers.Sim-ultaneously,it is recommended that educational administrative departments supplement relevant theoretical modules in principal training programs to fill the theoretical gaps of rural school principals.Principals themselves need to pos-sess a vision for planning school development,cultivate an awareness of nurturing culture,acquire knowledge in lead-ing curriculum teaching,demonstrate the ability to guide teacher professional development,and maintain the sensitiv-ity to policies for optimizing internal school management.They should actively seek social resources to promote the mutual development of students and the school.
作者 江娜 JIANG Na(School of Educational Sciences,Shangrao Normal University,Shangrao Jiangxi 334001,China)
出处 《上饶师范学院学报》 2024年第2期101-107,共7页 Journal of Shangrao Normal University
基金 江西省社会科学“十四五”项目(21ZD06)。
关键词 乡村学校 校长 专业发展 叙事研究 rural school school principal professional development narrative study
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