

Research on Paths of Digital Finance Serving High-quality Development of Real Economy in the Perspective of Financial Powerhouse
摘要 在金融强国视域下,坚持把金融服务实体经济作为根本宗旨,全面研究数字金融服务实体经济高质量发展的路径,具有重要的现实意义。数字金融作为数字技术与数据要素“双轮驱动”的金融创新,主要通过资源配置效应、普惠金融效应和技术溢出效应三条路径服务实体经济的高质量发展。数字金融在优化金融资源跨时空配置、培育和发展新质生产力、满足实体经济普惠金融需求、赋能实体企业数字化转型等方面发挥着重要作用。上述作用路径已在产业数字金融服务、大数据知识产权融资等实例中得到初步印证。但是,对照金融强国建设的战略目标和丰富内涵,其在创新监管、普惠生态、数实融合等方面仍有待提升。为此,论文提出深化金融科技创新监管试点,完善数字普惠金融生态圈,培育和引进生态圈核心企业,加强前沿数字技术的协同攻关和应用,构建数实融合的数字金融“元宇宙”等对策,以期更好地推动数字金融守正创新,加快建设金融强国,全方位服务实体经济高质量发展。 In the perspective of a financial powerhouse,adhering to the fundamental purpose of financial service for the real economy and comprehensively studying the paths of digital finance serving high-quality development of the real economy are of great practical significance.As a financial innovation driven by digital technology and data elements,digital finance mainly serves high-quality development of the real economy through three paths:resource allocation effect,inclusive finance effect and technology spillover effect.Digital finance plays an important role in optimizing the cross-spatiotemporal allocation of financial resources,nurturing and developing new quality productivity,meeting the needs of inclusive finance in real economy,and enabling the digital transformation of real enterprises.The above paths have been preliminarily demonstrated in examples such as industrial digital financial services and big data intellectual property financing.However,compared with the strategic objectives and rich connotations of financial powerhouse,there is still room for improvement in innovation regulation,inclusive ecology and digital-real integration.In this regard,it is proposed to deepen the pilot of FinTech innovation regulation,improve the digital inclusive finance ecosystem,cultivate and introduce core enterprises in the ecosystem,strengthen the collaborative research and application of frontier digital technologies,and construct a digital financial metaverse based on digital-real integration,so as to better promote digital finance to abide by the right and innovation,accelerate the construction of a financial powerhouse,and provide all-round services for high-quality development of the real economy.
作者 周雷 王可欣 宋佳佳 龚一泓 ZHOU Lei;WANG Ke-xin;SONG Jia-jia;GONG Yi-hong
出处 《农村金融研究》 北大核心 2024年第5期45-57,共13页 Rural Finance Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“互联网金融市场跨界风险的协同监管长效机制与政策研究”(编号:21BJY022) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“数字金融服务实体经济高质量发展研究:宏观影响与微观机制”(编号:23YJC790206) 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目“数字金融服务实体经济高质量发展的机理与实证研究”(编号:202414027) 江苏省社会科学应用研究精品工程课题“江苏数字金融产业支持实体经济高质量发展研究”(编号:23SYB-036)的研究成果。
关键词 金融强国 数字金融 实体经济 高质量发展 新质生产力 Financial Powerhouse Digital Finance Real Economy High-quality Development New Quality Productivity
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