

The Historical Consciousness and Class Consciousness about Marx Investigating the Form of Value:An Investigation Based on the Chapter“Commodities”of Capital,VolumeI
摘要 马克思资本批判和政治经济学批判的历史意识和阶级意识,深刻体现在《资本论》第一卷“商品”章关于价值形式和货币形式的考察中。马克思关于价值形式、货币形式和商品拜物教的历史考察,阐明了经济的社会形态在传统社会与现代社会之间的历史性区别;揭示了人们的劳动的社会关系采取物的关系的形式是现代资本主义生产方式的必然产物和基本特征;批判了资产阶级政治经济学把价值形式和货币形式看成永恒的自然形式和自然秩序的非历史观念和阶级本质;展望并绘制了社会形态从人的物化的商品形式向人的自由联合的社会形式演变的历史趋势。 The historical consciousness and class consciousness of Marx's criticism of capital and political economy are clearly reflected in the investigation of the form of value and the money form in the chapter“Commodities”of Capital,Volume I.Marx's historical investigation on the form of value,the money form,and the fetishism of commodities clarifies the historical differences between the social forms of economics in premodernity and modernity;it reveals that the social relations of labor taking the form of a relation between things is an inevitable outcome and fundamental characteristic of the mode of production in modern capitalist society;and it criticizes the ahistorical conception and class nature of bourgeois political economy,which regards the form of value and the money form as the eternal form and order of nature;it also anticipates and outlines the historical trend and schema of the evolution of social form from the materialised commodity form of human to the community of free individuals.Marx's exploration into the historical consciousness and class consciousness of value forms implies the historical sequence of the evolution of social and economic forms,leading from premodern society to modern capitalist society to communist society.
作者 刘敬东 Liu Jingdong
出处 《马克思主义理论学科研究》 北大核心 2024年第6期22-34,共13页 Studies on Marxist Theory
基金 北京市社会科学基金重点项目“马克思资本概念的三个维度及其张力”(16KDA002)阶段性成果。
关键词 马克思 历史意识 阶级意识 价值形式 货币形式 商品拜物教 自由联合的人 Marx historical consciousness class consciousness form of value the money form the fetishism of commodities freely associated men
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