

Mao Zedong's Application and Interpretation of the Concept of“Modernization”
摘要 “现代化”是理解毛泽东思想的标识性概念之一。毛泽东对“现代化”概念的运用与阐释是因应民族复兴的不同历史方位,在不同的革命语境中结合中国具体实际和社会发展要求,将这一抽象的舶来词汇转化为中国式话语的动态历史过程。新民主主义革命初期,毛泽东对“现代”语词的运用从思想文化领域拓展到政治革命领域,形成初步的现代化思想意识,为促成“现代化”概念的中国化表达奠定了基础。全面抗战爆发后,毛泽东将“现代化”的语义指涉从军事领域延展到政治、经济、文化领域,使其具有明确的实践指向和思想意涵,跃升为表达建设新中国宏伟愿景的重要概念。新中国成立后,毛泽东将“现代化”概念的思想意涵进一步发展为“四个现代化”,把现代化宏伟愿景表述为“社会主义的现代化强国”,形成全面发展与重点推进相结合的中国式现代化话语,奠定了中国现代化发展战略的基本形态。 "Modernization"is one of iconic concepts in order to understand Mao Zedong Thought.Mao Zedong's application and interpretation of the concept of"modernization"is a dynamic historical process of transforming this abstract loanword into Chinese-style discourse in order to cope with the different historical orientations of national rejuvenation,combined with concrete realities in China and social development requirements in different revolutionary contexts.In the preliminary stage of the New Democratic Revolution,Mao Zedong's application of the term"modern"expanded from the field of ideological and cultural thought to the field of political revolution,forming a preliminary awareness of modernization and laying the foundation for promoting the localization of the concept of"modernization".After the outbreak of the Full-scale War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,Mao Zedong extended the semantics of"modernization"from the military field to the political,economic,and cultural fields,giving it a clear practical direction and ideological connotation,and elevating it to an important concept that expresses the grand vision of building a new China.After the founding of the People's Republic of China,Mao Zedong further developed the ideological connotation of the concept of"modernization"into"Four Modernizations"and expressed the grand vision of modernization as"the great modern socialist country",forming the Chinese path to modernization discourse combining comprehensive development with key advancements,and laying the basic form of China's modernization development strategy.
作者 宋学勤 李昊天 Song Xueqin;Li Haotian
出处 《马克思主义理论学科研究》 北大核心 2024年第6期78-89,共12页 Studies on Marxist Theory
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中共党史学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系研究”(21&ZD039)阶段性成果。
关键词 毛泽东 现代化 革命 民族复兴 概念史 Mao Zedong modernization revolution national rejuvenation conceptual history
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