

Summary of Rural Breeding Techniques of Silkworm Variety‘Zhong 2016 and Ri 2016’Rearing with Artificial Diet of Young Silkworms and Mulberry Leaf of Grown Silkworms
摘要 随着全龄人工饲料工厂化养蚕产业化发展,蚕种需求量日益增加。开展原种‘中2016’‘日2016’小蚕工厂化饲养、大蚕原蚕户桑叶育杂交种繁育工作成为趋势。2022—2023年两年饲养情况显示,其他条件相同时,小蚕饲料育、大蚕桑叶育与全程桑叶育相比,蚕体发育整齐强健,重要经济性状如平均kg茧制种量、死笼率、克蚁单产等基本接近。该生产方式可有效提升蚕种生产效率,降低蚕农生产成本,增强抗不良气候风险能力,促进农民增收、企业增效。 With the birth of the world′s largest rearing with artificial diet in all instars industrialized sericulture enterprise,the demand for silkworm eggs is increasing.It has become a trend to carry out industrialized sericulture of young silkworm and mulberry leaf breeding of grown silkworm by original silkworm farmers with the silkworm variety‘Zhong 2016 and Ri 2016’.From 2022 to 2023,the results showed that while other conditions were the same,the silkworm body developed neatly and strongly,and the important economic traits such as the egg production of 1 kg cocoons,the dead cage rate,and the egg production of 1 g newly hatched larvae were basically close to that of the whole mulberry leaf breeding,compared with the rearing with artificial diet of young silkworms and mulberry leaf of grown silkworms.This production method can effectively improve the production efficiency of silkworm eggs,reduce the production cost of silkworm farmers,enhance the ability to resist adverse climate risks,and promote the income of farmers and the efficiency of enterprises.
作者 陈素娟 潘玮瑄 王涤龙 姜苏北 王荣强 金玥 CHEN Sujuan;PAN Weixuan;WANG Dilong;JIANG Subei;WANG Rongqiang;JIN Yue(Hangzhou Silkworm Egg Production Farm,Hangzhou 310021 Zhejiang,China)
机构地区 杭州蚕种场
出处 《蚕桑通报》 2024年第1期62-64,共3页 Bulletin of Sericulture
基金 杭州市农业与社会发展科研项目(2020ZDSK856)。
关键词 家蚕 中2016 日2016 小蚕工厂 人工饲料 Silkworm Zhong 2016 Ri 2016 Factory rearing of young silkworm Artificial diet
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