

Training Practice of Vocational Farmers in Five Central Asian Countries under the Background of the Belt and Road
摘要 农业对外合作一直是中国与中亚国家经济合作的重要领域,“一带一路”倡议的提出为双方农业合作提供了新的契机。中亚五国职业农民培训是贯彻落实国家“一带一路”倡议、扎实推动2023年中国-中亚峰会涉陕成果的一项重要举措,对促进国际友好关系有着重要意义。本研究主要通过2023年渭南职业技术学院承办的对塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦现代职业农民培训项目进行梳理,对培训教材、师资、课程、教学手段、文化交流等方面进行分析,查找问题和不足,探索适合的人才培养体系,为今后中国职业院校乃至在更大范围更好地开展对中亚五国的职业农民培训提供经验和借鉴,促进渭南农业高质量发展,有力提升中国服务“一带一路”的国际影响力和综合效益。 Agricultural cooperation with foreign countries has always been an important area of economic cooperation between China and Central Asian countries,and the Belt and Road initiative has provided a new opportunity for agricultural cooperation between the two sides.The training of professional farmers in the five Central Asian countries is an important measure to implement the national Belt and Road initiative and solidly promote the outcomes of the 2023 China-Central Asia Summit on Shaanxi,which is of great significance to promoting international friendly relations.This paper mainly sorted out the training projects of modern professional farmers in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan undertaken by Weinan Vocational and Technical College in 2023,analyzed the training materials,teachers,courses,teaching methods,cultural exchanges and other aspects,found out the problems and shortcomings,and explored the suitable talent training system.It will provide some experience and reference for vocational colleges and even a larger scope to better carry out the training of professional farmers in the five Central Asian countries in the future,promote the high-quality development of Weinan agriculture,and effectively enhance the international influence and comprehensive benefits of China's service for the Belt and Road.
作者 赵婷峰 杨世选 张建华 付宏岐 Zhao Tingfeng;Yang Shixuan;Zhang Jianhua;Fu Hongqi(Weinan V ocational&Technical College,Weinan 714000,Shaanxi;Weinan City Inspection and Testing Institute,Weinan 714000,Shaanxi)
出处 《农业展望》 2024年第6期121-126,共6页 Agricultural Outlook
基金 陕西省中华职业教育社2023年职业教育研究课题(ZJS202363)。
关键词 “一带一路” 中亚五国 职业农民培训 实践 the Belt and Road initiative the five Central Asian countries professional farmers training practice
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