

The Construction of Diplomatic Narrative With Chinese Characteristics:Capacity Building,Influence Mechanism and Path Selection
摘要 外交叙事是拓展国家影响力和塑造国家形象的重要话语工具,也是新时期衡量国家综合实力尤其是软实力的重要指标。国家通过外交叙事传递思想观念,引导其他国家确立与自身相同或兼容的政治文化身份,是一种修辞性胁迫。合理的外交叙事可以起到弥合观念分歧、塑造政治认同和赋予政策合法性等作用,当前的外交叙事既有蕴含时代意味的宏大国际叙事,也有关于主权国家角色定位及价值观的国家叙事。大国围绕着争夺舆论战主动权展开了叙事博弈,中国以“合作共赢”为核心来讲述中国故事,对大国关系和区域关系产生了重要影响,美国则以“霸权稳定论”作为介入国际事务的理由和外交叙事的内在逻辑,消解和挤压他国叙事空间,推进其战略利益,维护本体安全。随着中美战略竞争加剧,美国将中国界定为意图挑战现有秩序的“他者”,通过情境塑造、身份设定、情节设计对中国叙事进行“颠覆式”解构,对立色彩突出。除了西方“反华”叙事,中国还面临着在数字时代提升投射能力建设和话语体系建设的挑战。为加强和改进叙事构建工作,中国需主动向世界讲述自己的故事,通过外交叙事改变既定规范,建立起正面的国家形象。塑造多层次多主体的叙事格局,突出“中国声音”的分众化表达和精准化传播,加深国际受众对中华文明的认识和理解,增强中国叙事的号召力和感染力。 Diplomatic narration serves as a crucial discourse tool for expanding national influence and shaping a country'simage and a key indicator for assessing a nation's comprehensive strength in the new era,particularly its soft power.It is arhetorical coercion that anationutilizes diplomatic narration to convey its ideological concepts to guide other countries to establish political and cultural identities compatible with their own.Rational diplomatic narration can bridge ideological differences,shape political identity,and legitimize policies.Presently,there are international narratives imbued with contemporary significance,as well as national narratives concerning the role and values of sovereign states.Major powers engage in a narrative game to seize the initiative in the information warfare.China articulates its story with"win-win cooperation"at its core,significantly impacting major power relations and regional dynamics.Meanwhile,the United States employs the Hegemonic Stability Theory as the rationale for international intervention and the inherent logic of its diplomatic narration,neutralizing and squeezing the narrative space of other nations to advance its strategic interests and safeguard its security.With the intensifying Sino-U.S.strategic competition,the U.S.defines China as the other intending to challenge the existing order,with the employment of subversive deconstruction through scenario shaping,identity establishment,and plot design to emphasize confrontational aspects in its narrative.Beyond Western anti-China narratives,China is also confronting challenges in enhancing capabilities for projection and discourse system construction in the digital age.To strengthen and improve narrative construction,China must proactively tell its story to the world,altering established norms through diplomatic narration to build a positive national image;establish a narrative framework with multiple layers and subjects and emphasize diversified expression and precise dissemination of China's voice,deepening international audiences'understanding of the Chinese civilization and enhancing the appeal and influence of China's narrative.
作者 仇华飞 于利花 Qiu Huafei;Yu Lihua(Tongji University,Shanghai,200092,China)
出处 《东南亚纵横》 2024年第4期1-10,共10页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大研究专项“习近平全球治理思想与金砖国家参与全球治理研究”(20VGQ001)。
关键词 外交叙事 能力挑战 影响机制 提升路径 diplomatic narrative capability challenges impact mechanisms enhancement pathways
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