

Research on the Integration and Innovation of Aesthetic Education and"Double Creation"in Colleges and Universities under the Perspective of Civilizational Exchange and Mutual Learning
摘要 在文明交流互鉴视域下,高校美育与创新创业教育共同担负着培养高素质人才队伍、弘扬优秀传统文化、实现民族伟大复兴的使命。高校美育通过对传统文化和世界文明成果的解码和转译,有效增强了学生的文化认同与民族自信,推动了不同文明相互尊重、和谐共处;创新创业教育通过对中华文明守正创新的文化立场的阐释,有力推动了民族文化事业和文化产业的繁荣发展。美育为创新创业教育的有效实施奠定了基础和依据,创新创业教育为美育教育成果的充分展现提供了空间和可能。文明交流互鉴作为高校内涵式发展的重要背景,不仅拓展了高校教育改革的视野和思路,而且为美育和创新创业教育的融合提供了新的契机,使其在思维互融和平台共享等层面实现了隐性互动和显性合作。 Under the perspective of civilizational exchange and mutual learning,education of aesthetics and innovation and entrepreneurship in colleges and universities share the mission of cultivating high-quality talents,promoting excellent traditional culture and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Through decoding and translating traditional culture and the achievements of the world civilization,aesthetic education in colleges and universities effectively strengthens students'cultural identity and national confidence,and promotes mutual respect and harmonious coexistence of different civilizations.Innovation and entrepreneurship education,through the interpretation of Chinese civilization's cultural stance of upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground,vigorously promotes the prosperity of national cultural undertakings and the development of cultural industries.Aesthetic education lays the foundation and basis for effective implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship education,which,then,provides the space and possibility for the full display of the results of aesthetic education.As an important background for the connotative development of colleges and universities,civilizational exchange and mutual learning not only expand the vision and ideas of education reform in colleges and universities,but also provide new opportunities for the integration of aesthetic education and innovation and entrepreneurship education,so that they can realize implicit interaction and explicit cooperation at the levels of mutual integration of thinking and sharing of platforms.
作者 刘艳卿 屈健 Liu Yanqing;Qu Jian
出处 《云南艺术学院学报》 2024年第2期59-63,共5页
基金 中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”人才自主选题资助项目(项目编号:334042000001)的研究成果。
关键词 文明交流互鉴 创新创业教育 美育 融合创新 civilizational exchange and mutual learning aesthetic education innovation and entrepreneurship education integrativeinnovation








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