

Concepts,Methods and Paths for the Connection of Legal Rules in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
摘要 “一国两制三法域”的特殊性决定了粤港澳大湾区法律规则衔接的复杂性和“无范式可依”,无论是理论研究或是司法实践,都尚未形成明确的、统一的衔接路径,由此产生了单一的司法协助衔接路径、对立法衔接的偏好、地方先行实践的受限性等问题。鉴于此,粤港澳大湾区法律规则衔接应当秉持“求同存异”的基本理念,在尊重各自法律制度的基础上,互相衔接、循序渐进地衔接,明确从程序法到实体法的总体衔接路径。一方面应以简便化为目标完善既有的程序规则,进而推动制定港澳特别规则;另一方面应当对实体规则分门别类衔接,针对规则是否成熟以及成熟程度分别采取示范法、合理借鉴和协商立法路径,由此形成全面、精准的规则衔接格局,实现粤港澳大湾区的融合发展。 The particularity of“one country,two systems and three legal domains”determines the complexity and“no paradigm to follow”for the connection of legal rules in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.Whether in theoretical research or judicial practice,a clear and unified connection path has yet to take form,which has led to a single judicial assistance connection path,a preference for legislative connection,and the limitations of just following local conventions.On this account,the connection of legal rules in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area should adhere to the basic concept of“seeking common ground while reserving differences”and it should be done step by step on the basis of respecting their respective legal systems.Therefore,the overall connection path from procedural law to substantive law should be clarified.Specifically,the existing procedural rules should be improved with the goal of simplification,and then special rules for Hong Kong and Macao should be formulated;the substantive rules should be classified and connected;and model laws,reasonable reference and negotiated legislation should be adopted according to the degree of maturity of the rules,so as to form a comprehensive and precise pattern of rule connection and realize the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
作者 卞飞 谢雯 叶春蜜 Bian Fei;Xie Wen;Ye Chunmi
出处 《港澳研究》 2024年第2期27-38,94,共13页 Hong Kong and Macao Journal
关键词 粤港澳大湾区 法律规则衔接 求同存异 相互衔接 循序渐进 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Connection of Laws and Regulations Seeking Common Ground While Reserving Differences Mutual Connection Gradual Progress
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