

Comparison of Infant Formula Food Standards between China and EU
摘要 2021年我国颁布新版婴幼儿配方食品系列标准,2023年2月22日起已正式实施。欧盟标准是制定婴幼儿配方食品标准的重要参考标准。本文对比新版婴幼儿配方食品系列标准与欧盟标准中不同类型项目限量差异,分析可能导致差异原因。通过对比分析,能更直观了解新版婴幼儿配方食品系列标准与欧盟标准差异,为后续研究和标准持续修订提供参考。 In February 2021,China promulgated a series of new version standards for infant formulae and followon formulae,and it has been officially implemented since February 22,2023.The EU standard is the main reference standard for countries to formulate their own standard.The differences between new National Food Safety Standards 2021 and EU standard were compared,and the possible causes of these differences were analysized.Through comparative analysis,we can more intuitively understand the differences between the new national standard and EU standard,and understand the purpose and significance of the revision of the new national standard,and to provide a reference basis for the subsequent research and the continuous revision of the standards.
作者 周密 马娇 么赛 于晓瑾 史娜 郑跃 郭蕊 耿健强 ZHOU Mi;MA Jiao;YAO Sai;YU Xiaojin;SHI Na;ZHENG Yue;GUO Rui;GENG Jianqiang(Beijing Institute of Food Inspection and Research(Beijing Municipal Center for Food Safety Monitoring and Risk Assessment),Key Laboratory of Key Technologies of Major Comprehensive Guarantee of Food Safety for State Market Regulation,Beijing 100094)
出处 《中国乳业》 2024年第7期83-87,共5页 China Dairy
基金 国家市场监督管理总局科技计划项目(2022MK008)。
关键词 婴幼儿配方食品标准 欧盟标准 比较 infant formula standard EU standard comparison
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