

Anticipatory Breach and the Right to Specific Performance
摘要 当债务人预期违约时,债权人得否在履行期限届满前行使继续履行请求权,在学说和司法实践中存在争议。若采债权人之继续履行请求权加速到期的观点,将破坏履行期限与合同价格的关联性,并侵害债务人在履行期限届满前对给付标的的使用利益。差别对待继续履行与损害赔偿请求权具有正当性。解除合同后产生的返还请求权不构成继续履行请求权加速到期。最高人民法院的司法政策对于一方给付义务已经履行完毕的合同规定债务加速到期并不妥当。债权人通过将来给付之诉与保全制度可以获得充分保护,并无必要使继续履行请求权加速到期。据此,《民法典》第673条规定的“提前收回借款”、第408条规定的“抵押权人有权请求债务人提前清偿债务”、第634条规定的“出卖人可以请求买受人支付全部价款”、第752条规定的“出租人可以请求支付全部租金”或者应解释为债权人解除合同后产生的返还请求权,或者应解释为债权人有权提起将来给付之诉。 When a debtor is in anticipatory breach,it is controversial in theory and judicial practice whether a creditor can exercise the right to specific performance before performance is due.If the view that the creditor's right to specific performance is accelerated is adopted,it will undermine the correlation between the time of performance and the contract price,and infringe the debtor's interest in the use of the subject matter before the time for performance is due.Differential treatment of the right to specific performance and the right to damages is justified.The right to restitution arising after the termination of a contract does not constitute an acceleration of the right to specific performance.The Supreme People's Court's judicial policy of accelerating of the date of maturity for contracts where one party has already fully performed is inappropriate.The creditor can be sufficiently protected through the institution of action for future performance and preservation,and there is no need to accelerate the right to specific performance.Article 673 of the Civil Code stipulates that"call in the loan prior to its due date",Article 408 stipulates that"the mortgagee is entitled to request the debtor to pay off the debt before it is due",Article 634 stipulates that"the seller may request the buyer to pay the total sum"and Article 752 stipulates that"the lessor may request full payment of the rent".These provisions should be interpreted either as the creditor's right to restitution arising after the termination of the contract or as the creditor's right to bring an action for future performance .
作者 张梓萱 Zhang Zixuan(Tsinghua University Law School)
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期159-171,195,196,共15页 The Jurist
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“互联网交易制度与民事权利保护研究”(20&ZD192)的阶段性成果。
关键词 预期违约 继续履行请求权 履行期限 加速到期 将来给付之诉 Anticipatory Breach Right to Specific Performance Time of Performance Acceleration of the Date of Maturity Action for Future Performance
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