
人工智能发展如何提升供应链韧性?——基于上市公司的经验证据 被引量:1

How Does Artificial Intelligence Influence Supply Chain Resilience:Evidence from Listed Companies
摘要 人工智能加速了传统供应链的智能化转变,有助于及时发现和预警供应链风险,但在“黑天鹅”事件不断出现的情况下,企业人工智能应用是否提升了供应链韧性仍缺乏系统性证据。着眼于中国企业的视角来评估人工智能这一全球关键性技术变革对供应链韧性的影响,发现:(1)企业人工智能发展有助于缓解采购和分销渠道多样性不足以及资金配置有效性缺乏的问题,提升供应链韧性。(2)人工智能提升供应链韧性的净效应与供需波动偏离程度无关,目前人工智能尚未缓解信息有效性不足所带来的问题。(3)人工智能与供应链韧性的关系受到地域同群效应和企业龙头效应的显著影响。在长三角和珠三角城市群,企业人工智能发展对供应链韧性的影响较为显著,大规模企业、民营企业的人工智能发展更能显著提升供应链韧性。 Artificial intelligence(AI)has accelerated the transformation of traditional supply chains into intelligent ones,offering a way to find and predict supply chain risks and avoid disruptions.However there is little evidence on whether AI applications have improved supply chain resilience(SCR).This study explores the impact of AI on supply chain resilience using a panel dataset from 3,240 listed companies from 2017 to 2021.We explore its mechanism from two aspects:the effectiveness of internal resource allocation and the diversity of external resource structures.The results show that:(l)Artificial intelligence could shorten'inventory turnover days and improve supply chain resilience.(2)Artificial intelligence could mitigate the ineffectiveness of capital allocation.When enterprises invest inefficiently,artificial intelligence will have a greater influence on supply chain resilience.Particularly,compared to enterprises that underinvest,Al has a greater potential impact on supply chain resilience in companies that overinvest.(3)The bullwhip effect does not affect the role of artificial intelligence in improving supply chain resilience,suggesting that the effect of Al in enhancing supply chain resilience is independent of the degree of deviation from supply and demand fluctuations.In other words,artificial intelligence doesn't mitigate the problems posed by the lack of information validity.(4)AI could improve supply chain resilience by alleviating inadequate diversity of external resources.When sourcing and distribution channels are not diverse,AI has a greater impact on supply chain resilience.(5)AI is more likely to improve supply chain resilience for large-scale firms,private firms,and firms in the Pearl River Delta city cluster and the Yangtze River Delta city cluster.However,for MSMEs,SOEs,Sino-foreign joint ventures,and firms in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city cluster,the influence of AI on supply chain resilienceisnotsignificant.Our study has three contributions:First,existing research is primarily theoretical and lacks empirical tests on the marginal contributions of artificial intelligence.This paper studies the level of AI in enterprises from two lenses,intention and action.And it answers questions like "Does AI improve supply chain resilience"and"How much of an improvement does artificial intelligence make".Second,considerable studies have analyzed the impact of resource redundancy on supply chain resilience,ignoring the effectiveness of resource allocation.This paper fills this gap and proposes mechanisms of artificial intelligence to improve supply chain resilience from a resource perspective.Furthermore,we incorporate the structural diversity of external resources into the research framework and extend the perspective of resource-based theory in supply chains.Third,this paper further distinguishes differences in the firm size,property rights,and city cluster location.It assists businesses in understanding the true impact and mechanism of AI on supply chain resilience,allowing them to modify their supply chain management strategy accordingly.
作者 邓慧慧 刘宇佳 王强 Deng Huihui;Liu Yujia;Wang Qiang(Institute of International Economy,Academy of China Open Economy Studies,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029,China;School of International Trade and Economics,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期5-23,共19页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72073023) 对外经济贸易大学区域国别研究联合专项课题(LHZX202306) 对外经济贸易大学杰出青年学者资助项目(20JQ08)。
关键词 人工智能 供应链韧性 资源配置 供应链智能化 artificial intelligence supply chain resilience resource allocation intelligent supply chain
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