

Review on Luo Hongkai's Study of the Songs of the South
摘要 骆鸿凯的楚辞研究继承了章黄学派推尊王逸《楚辞章句》的传统,批评明代以来楚辞解释穿凿附会的风气。其著作常常附录后世论著补充论证,或是加按语于后,对之进行辨析和阐释;又发扬乾嘉朴学讲究实证的传统,结合楚辞作品和前人相关评论,通过对楚辞的文本、体制等所进行的简要分析,对《楚辞》源于《诗经》的观点进行精细阐释,其论多宏通准确;其研究又贴近时代,注重论著的教材特性,讲究论述框架系统的严谨,语言精当,句式、韵式研究较前人更加细密,其楚辞学意识更加鲜明。在传统学术向现代转型的清末民初时期,骆鸿凯的楚辞研究内容丰富,体系完整,断制清晰,具有较为重要的楚辞学史意义。 Luo Hongkai's study of the Songs of the South inherited the tradition of the Zhang Huang School of respecting Wang Yi's The Chapters and Phrases of the Songs of the South,and criticized the style of interpretation of the Songs of the South since the Ming Dynasty.His works are often appended to later treatises to supplement the arguments,or add a note to the latter to analyze and explain;and carry forward the tradition of Qianjia's natural philosophy,which emphasizes on empirical study,combining the texts of the Songs of the South and the relevant comments of the predecessors,briefly analyzing the text and system of the Songs of the South,and finely elaborating the view that The Songs of the South originated from The Book of Songs,with its thesis of macro-passage and accuracy,and close to the times,paying attention to the characteristics of the teaching materials of the treatises,and the systematic and rigorous framework and language of the discourse.It is also close to the times,focusing on the characteristics of the textbook and the exposition of the systematic rigor of the framework,the language is exquisite,and the study of the syntax and rhyme scheme is more detailed than that of the predecessors,which makes the features of the Songs of the South more distinct.During the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China when traditional scholarship was in transition to modernity,Luo Hongkai's studies on the Songs of the South are rich in research,complete,clear,and have a more important historical significance of the Songs of the South.
作者 吕双伟 娄上 LV Shuangwei;LOU Shang(College of Liberal Arts,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China)
出处 《云梦学刊》 2024年第4期30-39,共10页 Journal of Yunmeng
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“明清骈文文献整理与研究”(18ZDA251)。
关键词 骆鸿凯 楚辞研究 汉学 楚辞学史 Luo Hongkai research on the Songs of the South Sinology history of the Songs of the South
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