

Research on the Interface Mechanism of Consumption Assistance Between Small Farmers and Modern Agricultural Dev elopment
摘要 小农户和现代农业发展脱节所形成的产销矛盾是脱贫地区乡村特色产业发展壮大面临的主要矛盾之一。在马克思社会再生产四环节理论框架下,消费帮扶推动脱贫地区小农户在再生产四环节即生产、分配、交换(流通)、消费的动态循环中衔接现代农业。衔接机制主要为:在消费环节,形成小农户经营理念迭代机制,促进小农户与现代市场理念衔接;在生产环节,形成倒逼机制,促进小农户与现代生产方式衔接;在流通环节,突破区域化流通格局,促进小农户与现代流通体系衔接;在分配环节,提升脱贫地区小农户在议价中的话语权,构建小农户与新型农业经营主体之间紧密型利益联结机制。在消费帮扶转型升级时期,应进一步从生产、分配、流通、消费四环节入手,继续发挥消费帮扶对小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接的促进作用。 The main contradiction in the development and growth of rural characteristic indus-tries in poverty alleviation areas exists between production and marketing,which is caused by the disconnection between small farmers and the development of moderm agriculture.Under the framework of Marx's theory of the four links of social reproduction,consumption assistance promotes small fammers in poverty alleviation areas to connect modern agriculture in the dynamic cycle of the four links of reproduction,namely,production,distribution,exchange or circulation and consumption.The interface mechanism is mainly as follows:in the consumption link,an iterative mechanism of small farmers'business philosophy is formed to promote the connection between small farmers and the modern market concept;in the production link,a reversal mech-anism is formed to promote the connection between small fammers and modem production meth-ods;in the circulation link,a regional circulation pattern is broken through to promote the con-nection between small farmers and the modem circulation system;and in the distribution link,the voice of small farmers in poverty alleviation areas is enhanced in bargaining,and a close in-terest connection mechanism between small farmers and new agricultural business entities is con-structed.In the period of transformation and upgrading of consumption assistance,we should fur-ther start from the four links of production,distribution,circulation and consumption,and con-tinue to play the role of consumption assistance in promoting the organic connction between small farmers and the development of modern agriculture.
作者 王瑞 龙婷玉 Wang Rui;Long Tingyu
出处 《经济研究参考》 2024年第6期44-57,共14页 Review of Economic Research
基金 2023年度四川省哲学社会科学基金项目“凉山彝区农村集体资产分类管护机制和对策研究”(No.SCJJ23ND416)。
关键词 消费帮扶 小农户 现代农业 consumption assistance small farmers modem agriculture
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