

Visual Solidification of the National Spirit in the New Era:Ten Years of Fine Arts Walking out of a New Approach of Independent Development
摘要 新时代十年美术与改革开放之初的新潮美术,与世纪之交的艺术全球化思潮,都发生了根本性改观。宏大叙事再度成为中国美术的当代性课题,架上艺术持续平衡发展显现出西方艺术世界所未有的另一种当代艺术景观,新艺科建设、美术馆发展、新型展览机制与科技艺术探索共同形成了当代中国美术的新业态。显然,新时代中国美术的变化不再以西方所定义的“当代艺术”为唯一路标,对艺术“当代性”的解读与实践,更着眼于适应中国现代社会发展的需求以及体现中国优秀艺术传统的继承与发展,尤其是着眼于对人民这个中国现代社会的主体的精神塑造。本文试图从新时代十年美术的发展中,以理论话语勾勒出中国美术探索自主发展的新路。 The decade of art in the New Era has undergone a fundamental change from the New Wave of art at the beginning of the Reform and Opening-up,and from the globalization of art in the turn of the century.Grand narrative has once again become a contemporary issue in Chinese fine arts.With the sustained and balanced development of art,an alternative landscape of contemporary art that is unprecedented in the Western art world has emerged,and the construction of new art studies disciplines,the development of art museums,and the exploration of new exhibition mechanisms and technological art have jointly formed a new mode of business for Chinese art in the contemporary era.Obviously,the changes in Chinese art in the New Era no longer takes the“contemporary art”defined by the West as the only guidepost,and the interpretation and practice of“contemporaneity”of arts are more geared towards adapting to the needs of the development of modern Chinese society,as well as embodying the inheritance and development of outstanding Chinese artistic traditions,especially towards molding the spirit of the people and the main body of modern Chinese society.This article attempts to outline a new path for China’s fine arts to explore independent development through theoretical discourse from the development of fine arts in the decade of the New Era.
作者 尚辉 Shang Hui
机构地区 湖南师范大学
出处 《中国文艺评论》 2024年第7期23-35,I0002,共14页 China Literature and Art Criticism
关键词 新时代美术 宏大叙事 自主发展 人民性 fine arts in the New Era grand narrative independent development the affinity to the peoplet
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