

Using Artificial Intelligence to Promote the Innovation of Online Literature and Art in the New Era
摘要 网络文艺与人工智能“技术同根”。以ChatGPT为代表的人工智能让人工智能艺术释放出强劲的新质生产力,给网络文艺业态带来全方位深刻变化。在创作实践中,AIGC的应用存在中文数据信息资源不足、缺少肉身感知的生命体验和原创力稀缺等问题。新时代的网络文艺应对人工智能挑战,需要直面人工智能技术带来的三大变化:一是网络文艺生产方式改变,昔日作家艺术家的独立创作转变为“人—机”互动式生产;二是网络文艺作品形态改变,图文互补、文音影合一将成为网络文艺主流;三是行业洗牌,重塑网络文艺的存在方式和运营模式。我们要积极接纳并主动适应人工智能的技术赋能,助推新时代AIGC艺术创新,开辟网络文艺新蓝海。 Network literature and art and AI,“technologically speaking,have the same root”.Artificial intelligence represented by ChatGPT allows the arts created using AI to release a strong new quality of productivity,bringing all-round profound changes to the online literature and art industry.In creative practice,the application of AIGC suffers from the problems of insufficient Chinese data and information resources,lack of life experiences perceived in the physical flesh,and scarcity of originality.In response to the challenges posed by AI for the network literature and arts in the New Era,it is necessary to face up to the three major changes brought by AI technology:firstly,the production mode of network literature and arts has changed,where the independent creation of the former writers and artists has shifted to the interactive production of“human-machine”.Secondly,the form of network literature and arts has changed,where complementary graphics and text,as well as the text-audio-visual integration will become the mainstream of network literature and arts.The third is industry reshuffling,where the way of existence and operation mode of network literature and arts will be reshaped.We should actively accept and adapt to the technological empowerment of artificial intelligence to promote AIGC artistic innovation in the new era and open up a new blue ocean of network literature and arts.
作者 欧阳友权 Ouyang Youquan
出处 《中国文艺评论》 2024年第7期56-65,I0003,共11页 China Literature and Art Criticism
基金 2023年度湖南省社科重点项目“从玄幻转向现实:网络文学的回归与超越研究”(项目批准号:23ZDB045)的阶段性成果。
关键词 人工智能 网络文艺 人工智能艺术 创作三道坎 应对挑战 artificial intelligence network literature and arts art creation using AI three hurdles in creation in response to the challenges
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