

Analysis of the Medication Pattern of Prescriptions for Tinnitus in Medical Texts Before the Late Qing Dynasty Based on the TCM Heritage Support Platform
摘要 目的:基于中医传承辅助平台软件归纳并探析清末以前中医古籍中治疗耳鸣的组方用药规律。方法:检索《中华医典》治疗耳鸣的方剂,进行规范化处理,通过中医传承辅助平台,组建有关《中华医典》耳鸣病数据库,利用中医传承辅助平台所包含的关联规则、复杂系统熵聚类数据挖掘功能,归纳出治疗耳鸣方剂的常用中药、组合规则、显性与隐性药对并发现新方。结果:最终纳入方剂224首,涉及中药215味,前5位的中药分类为补虚药、解表药、清热药、活血化瘀药及理气药,频次≥30次的中药共有18味,四气分布以温、寒、平为主,五味分布以辛、甘、苦为主,归经以脾、肾、肝经为主,常用药物组合模式共11条,6对关联规则组合,5个新处方。结论:耳鸣的病因复杂,病机虚实夹杂,治当补虚泻实,调整阴阳,治则多为补肾助阳、健脾宁心、清肝泻火、化瘀通络,在此基础上,病证结合,随证加减,建立一套完整的理法方药体系。 Objective:An analysis of the medication pattern of prescriptions for tinnitus in medical texts before the late Qing Dynasty based on the TCM Heritage Support Platform.Methods:The Chinese Medical Canon was searched for prescriptions for the treatment of tinnitus,standardized,and a database of tinnitus diseases in The Chinese Medical Canon was formed through the TCM Heritage Support Platform The association rules and complex system entropy clustering data mining functions contained in the TCM Heritage Assist Platform were used to summarize the common herbs,combination rules,explicit and implicit drug pairs of prescriptions for the treatment of tinnitus and to discover new prescriptions.Results:The final formula is 224,involving 215 herbs.The top five herbal medicines were classified as tonic for deficiency,antidepressant,clearing heat,activating blood circulation,resolving blood stasis and regulating qi.A total of 18 herbal medicines with a frequency of≥30 times were derived,the distribution of the four qi was dominated by warm,cold and gentle,distribution of the five tastes was dominated by pungent,sweet and bitter,and the top three in terms of frequency of attribution were spleen,kidney and liver.There were 11 common drug combination patterns,six pairs of associated rule combinations and five new prescriptions.Conclusion:The etiology of tinnitus is complex and the pathogenesis is mixed with deficiency and reality.The treatment should be to tonify the deficiency and diarrhoea and adjust yin and yang,and the treatment mostly consists of tonifying the kidneys and helping Yang,strengthening the spleen and nourishing the heart,clearing the liver and fire,resolving blood stasis and clearing ligaments.On this basis,the disease is combined with the disease,and the prescription is added and subtracted according to the disease to establish a complete system of theory,method and medicine.
作者 惠渊 马祺 周学锐 高利娜 张甜 李妍怡 巩婷 Hui Yuan;Ma Qi;Zhou Xuerui;Gao Lina;Zhang Tian;Li Yanyi;Gong Ting(College of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou 730030,China;Gansu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou 730050,China)
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2024年第4期187-191,共5页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
基金 甘肃省自然科学基金(21JR7RA589) 甘肃中医药大学研究生创新创业项目(2022CX46) 甘肃省中西医结合防治耐药菌研究(20210140305) 国家重大疑难疾病中西医联合攻关项目(20210140304)。
关键词 中医传承辅助平台 数据挖掘 耳鸣 用药规律 TCM Heritage Support Platform Data Mining Tinnitus Medication Rule
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