

On Hetuvidya of Chakhar Gevsh Luvsanchuldem
摘要 从印度因明到藏传因明和蒙传因明思想的发展过程中,蒙古族佛教大师用梵文和藏文著书立说实为普遍,用“宗教蒙古文”(梵译蒙,藏译蒙)遗存下来的因明著作成为绝世经典。蒙传因明的造论师有松巴堪布益西班觉、阿拉善丹达拉然巴阿旺丹德尔、察哈尔格西洛桑楚臣等。其中察哈尔格西洛桑楚臣是18世纪后半叶至19世纪初时期的蒙古族杰出的喇嘛学者,为蒙藏文化交流及蒙古族文化事业作出了杰出的贡献,为后人留下了宝贵的文化遗产,在多学科领域都有杰出的成绩,被国内外研究者尊称为蒙古学问家、文化活动家、佛教文学家、佛教哲学家、因明学家、翻译家、出版家等头衔。本文从“因明学”(印度逻辑)视角,主要介绍了察哈尔格西洛桑楚臣造论的内明或佛教哲学、论辩哲学相关著作,还有因明入正门论的因明论式,因明语法,诤正理论研究的佛教因明论著。本文对察哈尔格西洛桑楚臣在佛教理论中解释并传扬古印度“因明学”的思想,释论陈那因明逻辑,传承法称因明逻辑研究方面进行了阐述。 In the development process from Hetuvidya in India to Tibetan Hetuvidya and Mongolian Hetuvidya,it was common for Mongolian Buddhist masters to write books in Sanskrit and Tibetan,and the Hetuvidya works surviving in"religious Mongolian"(Sanskrit translation of Mongolian,Tibetan translation of Mongolian)became a rare classic.The authors of Hetuvidya were Sumba Khambu Ishbalzur,Alash Dandar Lharamba,Chakhar Gevsh Luvsanchuldem and others.Among them,Chakhar Gevsh Luvsanchuldem was an outstanding Mongolian lama scholar from the second half of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century,who made outstanding contributions to the cultural exchanges between Mongolia and Tibet and the cause of Mongolian culture,left valuable cultural heritage for future generations,and made outstanding achievements in multiple disciplines.He has been honored by domestic and foreign researchers as Mongolian scholar,cultural activist,Buddhist writer,Buddhist philosopher,Hetuvidya scholar,translator,publisher and other titles.From the perspective of"Hetuvidya Study"(Indian logic),this paper mainly introduces the inner or Buddhist philosophy and argumentative philosophy of Chakhar Gevsh Luvsanchuldem,as well as the Hetuvidya formula of Elementary Hetuvidya theory,Hetuvidya Grammar,and Buddhist Hetuvidya works on the study of a correct theory.In this paper,the author explains and propagates Chakhar Gevsh Luvsanchuldem's the ancient Indian"Hetuvidya"thought in the Buddhist theory,interprets the Hetuvidya logic,and studies the Hetuvidya logic of the inheritance law.
作者 图·乌力吉 老布桑 Tu.Olzii;Luvsan(Inner Mongolia Normal University;Sun Yat-sen University,010022;School of Marxism,Inner Mongolia Normal University,010022)
出处 《中国蒙古学(蒙文)》 2024年第3期115-121,213,共8页 CHINA MONGOLIAN STUDIES
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“蒙古因明研究”(编号:17ZDA014)。
关键词 察哈尔格西洛桑楚臣 因明学 逻辑 Chakhar Gevsh Luvsanchuldem Hetuvidya Logic
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