

Research on the Path to Optimize Industrial Structure through a Unifi ed National Market——From the Perspective of Labor Mobility
摘要 新发展阶段下,外向型的经济发展方式面临着众多阻碍,而我国统一大市场的优势逐步显露并呈现出较强韧性,借此为产业结构优化发掘新的增长动力意义深远。本文基于中国30个省份(西藏及港澳台地区除外)的面板数据,从实证角度研究全国统一大市场建设对产业结构优化的影响效应及其作用机制。研究发现:(1)全国统一大市场建设有利于推动产业结构优化,该结论在稳健性检验后仍然成立;(2)劳动力流动是全国统一大市场建设促进产业结构合理化与高级化的部分中介;(3)全国统一大市场建设对产业结构优化的影响因地区产业结构发展水平不同而有所差异,具体表现为产业结构合理化与高级化水平较高的地区受到的正向影响更为显著。据此,文章提出建立健全全国统一的市场经济体系;完善劳动力资源流动机制;因地制宜培育本土高端需求的政策建议,以供参考。 In the new development stage,the export-oriented economy encounters various obstacles,while China's unified national market is gradually demonstrating its advantages and notable resilience.For this reason,exploring new growth drivers for optimizing and upgrading of industrial structure holds far-reaching signifi cance.Based on the provincial panel data of 30 provinces in China(excluding Xizang,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan)from 2011 to 2020,this paper delves into the influence and effects of a unified national market on the rationalization and upgrading of industrial structure and its mechanism from an empirical perspective.The results show that:(1)A unified national market can promote the rationalization and upgrading of industrial structure,a conclusion that remains valid after robustness test;(2)Labor mobility is part of the medium for the construction of a unified national market to promote the rationalization and upgrading of industrial structure;(3)The influence of a unified national market on the optimization of industrial structure varies across regions based on their development levels.Notably regions with higher levels of industrial structure rationalization and upgrading witness a more signifi cant positive impact.Therefore,this paper proposes the suggestions,including establishing and improving the unifi ed national market economy system,improving the mobility mechanism of labor resources,and fostering high-end local demand according to local conditions.
作者 陈绮琪 Chen Qiqi(Nanning Normal University,Nanning,Guangxi 530000)
机构地区 南宁师范大学
出处 《中国商论》 2024年第14期5-9,共5页 China Journal of Commerce
关键词 全国统一大市场 产业结构合理化 产业结构高级化 劳动力流动 市场规模 Unified national market Rationalization of industrial structure Upgrading of industrial structure Labor mobility Market size
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