

Rethinking on Deepening the Reform of Collective Forest Property Rights System
摘要 对中国三次集体林权制度改革进行概述,分析林业发展环境的变化,提出深化林业改革的主要任务和策略。研究表明:当前中国森林主要作用、林权利用方式、林产品原料来源发生了变化;新一轮集体林改主导者和目标发生了变化,林改成果的评价内容也发生了变化,新一轮林改是从调动农民经营林业的积极性延展到动员全社会参与林业发展,让全社会支持林业发展延展到让林业更好地满足全社会需要;新一轮林改需要持续创新林业协同发展体制、改革森林采伐管理制度、构建林权流转监管和服务平台、创新生态服务价值实现机制、健全生态经济兼顾的林业政策体系。 ⑴Background——China’s collective forest property rights system has undergone three reforms,the first reform was in the 1980s,the second reform was in the early 21st century,and China is currently in the process of the third reform of the collective forest property rights system.The new round of collective forest property rights system reform emphasizes that it is necessary to further deepen reform on the basis of the second collective forest property rights system reform.Because the background of the new round of collective forest property rights system reform is obviously different from the previous two,the forestry development environment has undergone significant changes.Therefore,it is necessary to rethink how to effectively promote the deepening of the new round of collective forest property rights system reform.⑵Methods——Based on the long-term research experience,statistical data and related research reports,this paper makes a brief evaluation of the collective forest property rights system reform,analyzes the changes of China’s forestry development environment,and focuses on the main tasks and strategies for deepening the forestry reform.⑶Results——In the first reform of the collective forest property rights system,the stability of forest property rights,the demarcation of private mountains,the determination of forestry production responsibility system and the opening of the timber market were complementary reform measures.This zero-sum reform at the expense of the state-owned timber companies did not succeed.But because afforestation subsidies could still motive farmers to plant trees,forest area increased rapidly.The second reform of the collective forest property rights system achieved obvious results,and the forest stock maintained a rapid growth while the timber output increased,but the effect of the reform was also affected by some other factors.At present,the main role of forests,the utilization of forest property rights and the source of raw materials of forest products have changed,the leading group and goal of the new round of collective forest property rights reform have changed,and the evaluation content of the reform effect has also changed.The new round of forest reform has been extended from mobilizing the enthusiasm of farmers to manage forests to mobilizing the whole society to participate in forest construction,from allowing the whole society to support forest development to allowing forestry to better meet the needs of society.⑷Conclusions and Discussions——The goal of deepening the collective forestry reform is to realize the growth,convergence,diversity and sustainability of forestry development.The task of deepening the collective forestry reform can be measured from several levels:from the micro level,it can be measured by the maximization of the benefits of forest products obtained by operators and ecosystem services;from the national level,it can be measured by maximizing the benefits of forest public goods,and from the global level,it can be measured by maximizing the carbon storage function of forests.Therefore,in the new round of forestry reform,we must constantly innovate the system of coordinated development of forestry,reform the management system of forest logging,build a platform for supervision and service of forest property rights transfer,innovate the realization mechanism of ecological service value,and improve the forestry policy system that takes both ecology and economy into consideration.
作者 李周 LI Zhou(Rural Development Institute,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China)
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2024年第2期143-151,共9页 Issues of Forestry Economics
关键词 集体林权 改革 协同 collective forest property rights reform synergy
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