

Optimization of synchronous wireless energy information transmission system based on separated channels
摘要 针对单通道能量信息并行传输系统信息传输速率较低、能量传输损耗大、系统设计方法复杂等问题,本文在已有研究的基础上,基于互感耦合理论,设计了一种利用新型的多线圈磁耦合机构实现能量传输系统和信息传输系统分离设计的新方案。多线圈磁耦合机构作为电能和信息传输的通道,可以传输不同频率、不同幅值的电能和信号。数字信息经幅移键控调制后加载到信息传输回路中,在不影响能量传输的前提下,实现信息的实时、双向、高速率传输。通过有限元分析软件对所设计的磁耦合机构进行磁场特性分析,利用仿真软件分析能量传输系统的关键电气参数变化,以及电能传输对信息传输的干扰,确定所提方案的可行性,最后搭建实验平台验证所提方案的正确性。在能量传输频率100 kHz、正向信息载波频率1381 MHz、反向信息载波频率1923 MHz的情况下,实现了能量传输效率8935%、正向信息传输速率4289 kbps、反向信息传输速率5999 kbps的能量信息并行双向传输。 Aiming at the problems of low information transmission rate,large energy transmission loss and complex system design method of single⁃channel energy information parallel transmission system,this paper designs a new scheme for the separation design of energy transmission system and information transmission system by using a new multi⁃coil magnetic coupling structure based on the theory of mutual inductance coupling on the basis of existing re⁃search.As a channel for power and information transmission,the multi⁃coil magnetic coupling mechanism can transmit energy and signals of different frequencies and amplitudes.The digital information is loaded into the infor⁃mation transmission loop after amplitude shift keying(ASK)modulation,and real⁃time,two⁃way and high⁃rate transmission of information is realized without affecting energy transmission.Through the finite element analysis software,the magnetic field characteristics of the designed magnetic coupling mechanism are analyzed,the simula⁃tion software is used to analyze the changes of key electrical parameters of the energy transmission system and the interference of power transmission on information transmission,to determine the feasibility of the proposed scheme,and finally to build an experimental platform to verify the correctness of the proposed scheme.Under the condition that the energy transmission frequency is 100 kHz,the forward information carrier frequency is 1381 MHz,and the reverse information carrier frequency is 1923 MHz,the energy transmission efficiency of 8935%,the forward information transmission rate is 4289 kbps,and the reverse information transmission rate is 5999 kbps in parallel and bidirectional.
作者 史海睿 张立炎 陈启宏 李昶 SHI Hairui;ZHANG Liyan;CHEN Qihong;LI Chang(School of Automation,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《电工电能新技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期70-79,共10页 Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy
关键词 无线电能传输 能量信息并行传输 磁心结构 磁耦合机构 wireless power transfer parallel transmission of energy information magnetic core structure magnetic coupling mechanism
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