

Ore controlling regularity and prospecting potential of BIF type iron deposits in western Shandong,China
摘要 鲁西地区是中国东部重要的铁矿集区,其中BIF型铁矿成矿地质条件优越。本文通过梳理研究区成矿地质背景、地球物理特征及该类型铁矿床时空分布特征,并综合研究其赋矿地层特征的基础上,对该类型铁矿床地层赋矿规律、构造控矿规律、岩浆岩控矿规律和物探异常示矿规律进行深入剖析。研究表明该区BIF型铁矿成矿时代为新太古代,且具有多个铁矿赋矿层位,其中泰山岩群雁翎关组、山草峪组、柳杭组和济宁岩群颜店组均为主要赋矿层位;该类型铁矿构造控矿特征明显,尤以向形构造处铁矿富集现象最为显著;岩浆岩活动对该类型铁矿具有早期提供成矿物质来源和晚期进行矿体改造的作用;物探异常(如重磁异常)对于该类型铁矿勘查具有明显的指示作用。并在区内圈定了沂源县韩旺、苍峄铁矿带、东平—汶上、济宁市北等20处铁矿找矿靶区,表明鲁西地区BIF型铁矿勘查潜力巨大;研究表明该类型铁矿勘查方向在其已有矿床深部和边部进行勘查开发仍是首选地段,在隐伏区和低缓异常区利用深部钻孔进行勘查并开辟新的找矿空间是鲁西地区今后BIF型铁矿勘查工作的重要方向。 Western Shandong region is an important iron ore concentration area in eastern China,with superior geological conditions for Banded Iron Formation(BIF) type iron ore deposits.Based on a comprehensive study of the geological background,geophysical characteristics and spatial distribution characteristics of BIF type iron ore deposit in this region,the authors systematically study the characteristics of ore-bearing strata,the iron ore control regularity,structural control regularity,magmatic rock control regularity and geophysical anomaly indication regularity.This research shows that the formation of BIF type iron ore in this area is Neoarchean,and there are many iron ore hosting horizons,such as Yanlingguan Formation,Shancaoyu Formation,Liuhang Formation of Taishan Group and Yandian Formation of Jining Group are the main ore-bearing horizons.The structure is one critical factor during the metallogensis of BIF iron ore,especially the enrichment of iron ore in the synform structure is most significant.Magmatic rock activity plays an important role in providing the source of ore-forming materials in the early stage and reforming the ore body in the late stage.The geophysical anomaly,gravity and magnetic anomaly etc.,have a significant effect on the exploration of BIF iron ore.Twenty target areas for iron ore prospecting including Hanwang and Cangyi iron ore belt,Dongping-Wenshang and Jining north iron ore belt,have been delineated within the area,indicating the enormous potential for BIF-type iron ore exploration in the western Shandong region.The research proposes that the exploration and development direction of BIF-type iron ore deposit is still the preferred area for exploration and development in the deep and edge areas of existing deposits.It is an important direction for future BIF-type iron ore exploration work in western Shandong Province with application of deep drilling for exploration and opening up new prospecting spaces in hidden and low anomaly areas.
作者 郝兴中 王巧云 智云宝 朱学强 张文 张华平 彭观峰 李英平 HAO Xingzhong;WANG Qiaoyun;ZHI Yunbao;ZHU Xueqiang;ZHANG Wen;ZHANG Huaping;PENG Guanfeng;LI Yingping(Shandong Institute of Geological Survey,Jinan 250014,Shandong,China;College of Marine Geosciences,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,Shandong,China)
出处 《矿产勘查》 2024年第7期1167-1175,共9页 Mineral Exploration
基金 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2020MD033) 中国地质调查局“山东省齐河—禹城矿集区找矿预测”(DD2016005223、DD20190166) 山东省地质勘查项目(鲁勘字[2020]63号)联合资助。
关键词 BIF型 铁矿床 控矿规律 找矿前景 鲁西 山东省 banded iron formation iron deposits metallogenic regularity exploration direction western Shandong Shandong Province
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