

Reflections on the Legal Issues of China's Application of the Intellectual Property Rights Provisions of the CPTPP
摘要 通过对CPTPP知识产权条款与中国知识产权立法对应条款存在的差异进行分析可以发现,若CPTPP将来对中国生效,中国需要适用与国内法规定有所不同、国内法没有对应规定、对应低位阶国内法的CPTPP知识产权条款。这些条款在中国适用将面临生效方式、适用决策、适用路径等三个方面的问题。在生效方式上,CPTPP知识产权条款若通过“转化”方式在国内生效,将难以满足中国迫切加入CPTPP的需求;在适用决策上,中国现有关于条约国内适用的规定效力层级低、不成体系等问题可能影响中国全面履行CPTPP知识产权义务;在适用路径上,国内法提供更为广泛的知识产权保护时,中国优先适用条约的实践不符合CPTPP知识产权领域的国民待遇原则。为推进CPTPP加入进程,中国应考虑将CPTPP知识产权条款以“纳入”方式在国内生效,并应以优先适用CPTPP知识产权条款为原则,以国内法提供更广泛知识产权保护为例外。 By analyzing the differences between the intellectual property rights(IPR)provisions of the CPTPP and their corresponding provisions in China's IPR legislation,it is found that if the CPTPP enters into force in China in the future,China will need to apply the IPR provisions of the CPTPP which are different from the provisions of domestic laws,or which do not have corresponding provisions in domestic laws,or which correspond to the domestic laws of a lower order.The application of these provisions in China will face problems in three aspects:the way of entry into force,the decision-making process,and the path of application.In the way of entry into force,if the IPR provisions of the CPTPP enter into force domestically through the“transformation”method,it will be difficult to meet China's urgent need to join the CPTPP.In terms of decision-making on the application of these provisions,China's existing provisions on the domestic application of the treaty have a low level of effectiveness and are fragmented,which may affect China's full implementation of its IPR obligations under the CPTPP.In terms of the application path,China's practice of prioritizing the application of treaties when domestic laws provide broader IPR protection is not in line with the CPTPP principle of national treatment in the field of IPR.In order to promote the accession process of CPTPP,China should consider“incorporating”the IPR provisions of the CPTPP into the domestic law,and should prioritize the application of the IPR provisions of the CPTPP as a principle,with the exception of the provision of broader IPR protection under domestic law.
作者 李明 陈咏梅 LI Ming;CHEN Yongmei(Southwest University of Political Science and Law)
出处 《国际贸易》 北大核心 2024年第7期86-96,共11页 Intertrade
基金 国家社科基金项目“中国加入CPTPP金融服务法律问题研究”(22BFX143)的阶段性成果。
关键词 CPTPP 知识产权条款 条约国内适用 直接适用 间接适用 CPTPP intellectual property provisions domestic application of the treaty direct application indirect application
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