

The Chronicle Collection of Zhou Zuoren:1925(Part 2)
摘要 8月,北大学生会“因章士钊摧残一般教育及女师大事”,提请“本校宣布与教育部脱离关系”。18日,北大评议员召集会议,议决“以本会名义宣布不承认章士钊为教育总长,拒绝收受章士钊签署之教育部文件”,引发胡适、高一涵、皮宗石、王世杰、丁燮林、王星拱等之反对。28日,北大乃又召集评议会、教务会联席会议商讨,意见分歧如故。次日,《北京大学日刊》分别发表由胡适等17人签署的《为北大脱离教部关系事致本校同事的公函》,以及由周氏等17人签署的《为反对章士钊事致本校同事的公函》,又发表由周氏等41人签署的《反对章士钊宣言》。此中国知识界内部之一大分裂也。由此而至明年之“三·一八”事件,周氏日后省思,正乃中国知识分子斗争史之一转捩点。 In August,the Peking University Student Union requested that the university“declare its disassociation with the Ministry of Education”due to Zhang Shizhao's persecution of general education and Women's Normal University Incident.On the 18th,the Peking University Senate convened a meeting and resolved to“declare in the name of the council not to recognize Zhang Shizhao as the Minister of Education and refuse to accept the documents of Ministry of Education signed by Zhang Shizhao”,which sparked opposition from Hu Shi,Gao Yihan,Pi Zongshi,Wang Shijie,Ding Xielin,Wang Xinggong,etc.On the 28th,Peking University convened a joint meeting of the Senate and the Academic Affairs Committee to discuss the matter,but the opinions remained divided.The next day,Peking University Daily published an“Official Letter to Colleagues of the University for Peking University's Disassociation with the Ministry of Education”signed by 17 senators including Hu Shi,as well as an“Official Letter to Colleagues of the University for Opposing Zhang Shizhao”signed by 17 staffs including Zhou Zuoren,and a“Declaration Against Zhang Shizhao”signed by 41 staffs including Zhou Zuoren,which was a major split within the Chinese intellectual community.This,in addition to the“March 18th Incident”next year,was later reflected by Zhou Zuoren as a turning point in the history of Chinese intellectual struggle.
作者 朱晓江 ZHU Xiaojiang(Library,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121,China)
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期63-77,114,共16页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 周作人 章士钊 女师大事件 知识分子 Zhou Zuoren Zhang Shizhao Women's Normal University Incident intellectual
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