

Intraseasonal Variation of Sea Surface Temperature over the Tropical Eastern Indian Ocean During Boreal Spring and Summer and Accompanied Atmospheric Response
摘要 基于1982—2020年OISSTv2.1数据集、NOAA Interpolated OLR数据集和NCEP/DOE II再分析数据资料,通过功率谱分析、位相合成法等方法研究了春夏季(3—8月)热带东印度洋海温季节内振荡的特征及大气的响应。结果发现春夏季热带东印度洋海温季节内振荡的显著周期主要集中在20~50天,强海温振荡事件主要分布在4—7月,关键区内对流抑制超前暖海温异常1/8周期,滞后冷海温异常3/8周期,反之亦然。春夏季海温异常激发的对流异常呈经向偶极子分布,且有明显的北移演变特征,但北侧的对流中心较南侧弱,即对流在北移过程中迅速衰减。使用K-means聚类法提取了两种具有显著差异的环流响应类型:北移型和局地型。北移型主要分布在夏季,表现为更有组织性的对流偶极子对,南北中心的强度和影响范围相当且北移特征更为清晰。在对流偶极子北移的过程中显著影响阿拉伯海上西南季风的强弱,对印度半岛夏季风季节内变化的影响较大。局地型主要分布在春夏转换季节,对流异常呈单一中心结构,移动性较弱,主要在热带东印度洋上空发展和消亡。热带东印度洋海温季节内振荡耦合的大气环流异常主要影响赤道印度洋地区,对热带外的影响较弱。进一步探究发现,背景东风切变的差异是导致两种对流响应差异的原因。夏季,北印度洋东风切变强,垂直风切变机制导致对流明显北移,春夏转换季节,东风切变弱,垂直风切变机制不成立,较弱的正压涡度平流机制引起对流微弱的北移,但主要在局地生消。 The sea surface temperature(SST)over the tropical eastern Indian Ocean(TEIO)during boreal spring and summer shows a significant intraseasonal oscillation(ISO).Based on the NOAA OISSTv2.1 dataset,NOAA Interpolated Outgoing Longwave Radiation dataset and NCEP-DOE Reanalysis II data from 1982 to 2020,the characteristics of its intraseasonal variation and the associated atmospheric response were investigated by using power spectrum analysis,phase compositing and K-means clustering.The results show that the temporal variation of the SST anomalies over the TEIO was dominated by a period of 20-50-day,and the strong intraseasonal SST oscillation mainly occurred from April to July.A pronounced ocean-atmosphere interaction could be found over the TEIO at the intraseasonal timescale,with the SST warming leading local convection enhancement by 3/8 cycle and lagging convection suppression by 1/8 cycle.The convection anomalies driven by the intraseasonal SST showed a meridional dipole structure.It was characterized by a prominent northward propagation,with the intensity decaying rapidly during the northward movement and the convection in the north weaker than that in the south.Two significant kinds of atmospheric responses were extracted by using K-means clustering:the northwardmoving response and the local response.The northward moving response occurred mainly in summer(June-July),showing a well-organized convective dipole structure with comparable intensity and clear northward propagation.During its northward movement,it affected the strength of the southwesterly monsoon over the Arabian Sea and the intraseasonal variation of the Indian Peninsula summer monsoon significantly.While the local response occurred mainly in the transition season between spring and summer(April-June),and the sole convection center developed and disappeared over the TEIO with a weak migration.Different types of atmospheric response to the intraseasonal SST variation can be attributed to different easterly shear over the North Indian Ocean.In summer,the easterly shear was strong,and the convection propagated northward following the vertical shear mechanism.However,the background easterly shear was weak in the transition season between spring-summer and the vertical wind shear mechanism was inapplicable.The weak vorticity advection mechanism caused the convection to move northward slightly,but it mainly developed and dissipated locally.
作者 张镁熠 李秀珍 ZHANG Meiyi;LI Xiuzhen(School of Atmospheric Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University/Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Zhuhai),Zhuhai,Guangdong 519082,China)
出处 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期491-503,共13页 Journal of Tropical Meteorology
基金 国家自然科学基金(42088101、42175019) 广东省气候变化与自然灾害重点实验(2020B1212060025)共同资助。
关键词 热带东印度洋 海表温度 季节内振荡 大气响应 K-means聚类法 tropical eastern Indian Ocean SST intraseasonal oscillation atmospheric response K-means clustering
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