

The Logical Structural Transformation of National Governance Modernization in the Digital Era
摘要 在数字化时代的浪潮中,国家治理正经历着一场划时代的变革。数字技术的兴起不仅彻底重构了国家治理架构,更孕育了国家治理现代化的全新逻辑体系。面对数字化与国家治理深度融合所带来的治理结构质的飞跃,需要超越表层的复杂性,洞察国家治理深层的运作机制,确立其本质的秩序。在此过程中,首先要明确数字化时代国家治理现代化在本质上何以成为一种原生性创新。因此,需要深入剖析数字化与国家治理之间的建构性关系。从生成论的视角出发,引入“逻辑构序”的概念有助于探究技术与治理之间的相互建构机制、发展过程以及运行和发展的秩序框架。由此,能够在整体上提升对数字化时代国家治理现代化的内在逻辑与结构关系的解释力,有效构建一个清晰的全方位新秩序。深刻理解技术与治理的互构关系,有助于推动国家治理体系与治理能力现代化。通过深入分析数字化背景下的治理实践,能够揭示技术与治理的互构性,阐明“理念—工具—对象”的构序维度在数字治理中的关键作用。为了实现治理的有序性、稳定性和灵活性,数字化时代的国家治理需要在构建治理体系、提升治理能力、解决治理问题等方面实现真正的现代化构序,持续优化技术与治理的交互作用,充分发挥数字治理的优势。 Amid the wave of the digital era,national governance is undergoing a revolutionary transformation.The rise of digital technology not only fundamentally reconstructs governance frameworks but also fosters a new logical system for the modernization of national governance.Confronted with the qualitative leap in governance structure brought about by the deep integration of digitalization and national governance,it is imperative to transcend surface complexities and uncover the underlying operational mechanisms to establish an essential order.In this process,it is crucial to clarify how the modernization of national governance in the digital era constitutes an intrinsic innovation.Therefore,an in-depth analysis of the constructive relationship between these two aspects is essential for understanding this significant political issue.From a generative perspective,by introducing the concept of“logical structuring”and leveraging the profound insights of philosophy,it becomes possible to explore the mutual construction mechanisms,developmental processes,and operational and developmental frameworks between technology and governance.Consequently,this enhances the explanatory power of the intrinsic logic and structural relationship of national governance modernization in the digital era,effectively constructing a clear and comprehensive new order.A deep understanding of the co-constructive relationship between technology and governance can effectively promote the transformation of the national governance system and its capabilities towards modernization.By thoroughly analyzing governance practices within the context of digitalization,the study reveals the mutual construction of technology and governance as its underlying logic,elucidating the critical role of the“concept-tool-object”structuring dimension in clarifying digital governance.Ultimately,to achieve orderliness,stability,and flexibility in governance,national governance in the digital era must realize true modernization structuring in building governance systems,enhancing governance capabilities,and addressing governance issues.This involves continuously optimizing the interaction between technology and governance and fully leveraging the advantages of digital governance.
作者 亓光 张翔 QI Guang;ZHANG Xiang(School of Marxism,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China)
出处 《探索》 北大核心 2024年第4期29-41,共13页 Probe
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“比较视野下中国式现代化超越西方式现代化的话语体系建构研究”(23BKS064),项目负责人:林毅。
关键词 数字化时代 国家治理 逻辑构序 技术治理 技术赋能 digital era national governance logical structuring technological governance technological empowerment
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