
Discourse analysis of knowledge-based live streaming:a case study of East Buy streamer Dong Yuhui

摘要 Live streaming e-commerce is not only an important part of China’s digital economy but also the preferred way of purchase for many Chinese,especially the young.Since 2022,a new model initiated by East Buy has emerged,quickly becoming known as knowledge-based live streaming.The most famous streamer from this novel type of live streaming is Dong Yuhui,a former English teacher of the New Oriental School.As a top Internet influencer with millions of followers,Dong Yuhui has become a conspicuous social sign of the rising China that is undergoing fast technological,economic,and cultural changes.This study thus takes Dong Yuhui as an example to examine the typical discourses of the knowledge-based live streaming.Through a triangulation of case study,discourse analysis,and sentiment analysis,it finds that Dong Yuhui mainly employs the strategies of disseminating encyclopedic knowledge,telling intriguing stories,and using poetic language in his live streaming discourse.This unique discourse has the main function of fulfilling customers’intellectual,emotional,and psychological needs.As such,it is warmly received by customers,whose comments are centered on the talents of the streamer rather than the attributes of the commodity.
出处 《Language and Semiotic Studies》 2024年第2期222-244,共23页 语言与符号学研究(英文)
基金 funded by the Philosophical and Social Sciences Research Projects in Jiangsu-based Universities (No.2020SJA1362) the Humanities and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Team of Soochow University (No.5033720623) the 2023 Teaching Reform Project of Soochow University Building an Innovative Curriculum for English Majors by Emphasizing International Communication and Moral Integrity.
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