

Restitution and Liquidation of Different Defective Juridical Acts
摘要 法律行为效力瑕疵情形的返还清算受制于不同的效力瑕疵原因,将不同效力瑕疵原因一体化处理的做法有待反思。不同效力瑕疵情形的返还清算,既存在相同之处,亦有相异之处,应依具体情形分别考量。法律行为无效情形的折价补偿义务,原则上不受当事人善意与否的主观状态影响。但受领给付人善意与否、法律行为是否有偿、是否为行为能力瑕疵等因素,则影响无效情形的折价补偿范围。法律行为被撤销情形的返还清算,当事人的主观状态会因撤销事由不同而成为影响返还及折价补偿的因素。法律行为确定不发生效力的返还清算,须考虑占有所受领给付的信赖保护程度。法律行为不成立情形的返还清算,应依返还义务人占有财产的不同权源分别处理,没有必要适用民法典第157条。折价补偿基准日方面,亦因法律行为效力瑕疵类型的不同而不同。 The restitution and liquidation of defective juridical acts are affected by different causes of defective validity.The practice of giving the same treatment to different causes of defective validity needs rethinking.There are both similarities and differences in the restitution and liquidation of different defective juridical acts,which should be considered separately based on specific circumstances.In principle,the duty of restitution and liquidation of a void juridical act is not affected by the subjective state of whether the parties have good faith or not.However,whether the parties have good faith or not,whether juridical acts are with consideration or not,and whether with a counterpart with limited capacity for civil conduct or not,will affect the scope of indemnification of a void juridical act.When a juridical act is revoked,the subjective state of the parties will affect the restitution and liquidation due to different causes of revocation.When a juridical act is determined as having no binding force,the degree of reliance of the party who possesses the received payment needs to be considered in the determination of the restitution and liquidation.In cases where a juridical act is not established,the restitution and liquidation should be handled respectively according to the different right sources of the property possessed by the party with restitution obligation,and there is no need to apply Article 157 of Chinese Civil Code.As for the base date of indemnification,it also varies from case to case due to different defective validity of juridical acts.
作者 周江洪 ZHOU Jianghong
出处 《法学研究》 北大核心 2024年第4期58-75,共18页 Chinese Journal of Law
基金 中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”人才工程项目成果。
关键词 法律行为 效力瑕疵 返还清算 折价补偿 juridical act defective validity restitution and liquidation indemnification
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