
防范化解科技领域重大风险 打造辽宁重大技术创新策源地

Countermeasures and Suggestions to Create a Major Source of Scitech Innovation in Liaoning by Preventing and Resolving Mega Risks in Science and Technology Field
摘要 全球新一轮科技革命和产业变革加速推进,科技突破引领着经济社会发展模式由线性向非线性发生转变,使经济社会发展的不确定性更加明显,由此,科技在经济社会发展中的作用日益凸显,对于防范科技领域重大风险的意义越来越重要。为全面落实党的二十大精神,实现科技强省,促进辽宁全面振兴,打好打赢新时代“辽沈战役”,对于辽宁省而言,防范化解科技领域重大风险既是保障辽宁振兴的长远大计,也是打造辽宁重大技术创新策源地的前提条件和必然要求。为此,应进一步认识防范和化解科技领域重大风险的意义,对科技活动重新审思,为打造辽宁重大技术创新策源地提供保障,促进辽宁科技事业健康、安全、稳定发展。 The new round of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, leading to scientific and technological breakthroughs that drive the transformation of the economic and social development mode from linear to non-linear, making the uncertainty of economic and social development more obvious. Therefore, science and technology are playing an increasingly prominent role in economic and social development,making it more important to prevent mega risks in the field of science and technology. In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, achieve a strong province in science and technology,promote overall revitalization in Liaoning, and win in the "Liaoshen Campaign" in this new era, preventing major risks in the field of science and technology is not only a long-term plan for ensuring Liaoning's revitalization but also a prerequisite for building a major source of technological innovation. To this end, we should further understand the significance of preventing mega risks in science and technology, reconsider scientific activities, provide guarantees for creating a major source of sci-tech innovation in Liaoning Province, as well as promote healthy, safe, stable development within its realm.
作者 陈凡 徐旭 Chen Fan;Xu Xu
出处 《理论界》 2024年第7期58-63,F0002,共7页 Theory Horizon
基金 辽宁省社会科学规划基金重大委托项目“防范和化解科技领域重大风险研究”(L22ZD042) 内蒙古自治区社科规划青年项目“元宇宙的风险生成及其防范化解研究”(2022MDB126) 辽宁省经济社会发展研究课题“中华优秀传统文化与现代科学技术融合的创造性转化与创新性发展内在机制研究”(2024lslybhzkt-04)的研究成果。
关键词 科技领域重大风险 辽宁重大技术创新策源地 科技创新 mega risks in science andtechnology m ajor source of sci-tech innovation inLiaoning scientificand technological innovation
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