

Study on Processing Technology and Quality Standard of Soil Fried Yam
摘要 优选土炒山药的炮制工艺,建立科学合理的质量控制标准。以外观性状、断面颜色为评价指标,采用单因素试验,主要对火力大小、辅料用量、辅料土的粒度、土的重复使用次数进行考查。通过对山西省内、外3家企业生产的15批山药进行炮制,对土炒后的性状、显微鉴别、薄层鉴别、水分、灰分、浸出物等进行评估,制订相应的质量控制标准。土炒山药的最佳炮制工艺为将灶心土粉(或黄土粉)置锅内,用中火或武火加热炒至滑利状态,加入毛山药片或光山药片,不断翻炒至表面挂土色,取出筛去土,放凉。每100 kg山药,用灶心土或黄土25~30 kg。建立土炒山药的质量标准,该品为类圆形、椭圆形或不规则的厚片;表面土红色或土黄色,粘有土粉,断面黄白色至黄色。质脆、易碎;略具焦香气,味淡、微酸。样品粉末中内含物主要为淀粉粒、草酸钙针晶、具螺纹导管及环纹导管,作为“土炒山药”的显微特征;水分不得超过12.0%,总灰分不得超过5.6%,浸出物不得超过4.0%。建立了土炒山药的炮制工艺及质量标准,填补山西省内“土炒山药”质量标准空白,为土炒山药饮片生产及质量控制提供参考。 To optimize the processing technology of soil roasted Chinese yam and establish a scientific and reasonable quality control standard.Taking the appearance character and section color as the evaluation indexes,the size of firepower,the amount of auxiliary materials,the particle size of auxiliary materials soil,and the reuse times of soil are mainly investigated.Through the processing of 15 batches of Chinese yam produced by 3 enterprises in the province and outside the province,the characteristics,microscopic identification,thin layer identification,moisture,ash,extract and so on after soil frying are evaluated,and the corresponding quality control standards are formulated.The best processing process of soil fried yam was put the kitchen heart earth powder(or loess powder)in the pot,heat it with medium fire or martial fire until the slippery state,add maoshan pills or guangshan tablets,constantly stir fry until the surface hanging soil color,took out the sieve to remove the soil,and cool.Every 100 kg of yam,25 or 30 kg.Establish the quality standard of soil fried yam,this product is a round,oval or irregular thick piece.The surface soil red or yellow,clay powder,section yellow white to yellow.Crispy and fragile.Slightly burnt aroma,light taste,slightly sour.The contents in the sample powder were mainly starch granules,calcium oxalate needle crystal,threaded catheter and ringed catheter,as the microscopic features of Soil Fried Yam;the water shall not exceed 12.0%,the total ash content shall not exceed 5.6%,and the extract shall not exceed 4.0%.The processing technology and quality standard of soil fried Chinese yam had been successfully established,filling the blank of the quality standard of“soil fried Chinese yam”in Shanxi Province,which could provide reference for the production and quality control of soil fried Chinese yam.
作者 薛莉 卫罡 倪素丽 毕霖 尤利霞 王美 XUE Li;WEI Gang;NI Suli;BI Lin;YOU Lixia;WANG Mei(Shanxi Provincial Drug Evaluation Center,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030006,China;Shanxi Provincial Drug Inspection Center,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030199,China;Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030000,China)
出处 《农产品加工》 2024年第13期56-60,共5页 Farm Products Processing
基金 山西省中药材、中药饮片地方标准研究项目(2019006)。
关键词 土炒山药 炮制工艺 质量标准 fried Chinese yam processing technology quality standard
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