

The History and New Development of the Herbarium,Shanghai Botanical Garden
摘要 上海植物园标本馆(前称上海植物园标本室)在1974年上海植物园建园同期开始筹备,将标本采集与建园引种相结合,于1977年5月16日正式成立,馆代码为SG,首批制作入库的标本为1976年从浙江西天目山、安徽黄山、江西大余等引种地采集的约1530份标本。在1985至2021年间,因植物园工作重心转移,标本采集和相应研究工作基本停滞。2022年8月,上海植物园标本室完成新址改造和搬迁,并正式更名为上海植物园标本馆,并从此逐渐恢复标本采集和研究支撑。截至2023年底,腊叶标本馆藏量从搬迁前18216份新增至22182份。作为中小型标本馆,上海植物园标本馆还充分借助志愿者力量,接轨国家标本资源共享平台,完成5686份标本的信息录入和4077份标本的照片拍摄;同时开展自然教育课程探索,在向276名中小学生普及植物标本的作用和意义、引导学生细致观察植物形态和加强保护自然意识等方面取得了一定成效。上海植物园标本馆希望以本馆志愿者运行机制和标本科普探索为参考,为全国中小型标本馆的复兴发展、为中国植物园在生物多样性保护、植物科学研究和相关科普教育等方面贡献力量。 The Herbarium,Shanghai Botanical Garden was offi cially founded on 16 May,1977.The fi rst collection consists of about 1530 specimens gathered during the plant introduction from Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang Province,Mount Huangshan in Anhui Province,and Dayu county in Jiangxi Province for the creation of the Shanghai Botanical Garden.The herbarium code was registered as‘SG’according to the Index Herbariorum Sinicorum(1993).From 1985 through to 2021,specimen collecting activity and related research in the herbarium slowed down due to an emphasis shift on other priorities.When the herbarium collection was moved in August of 2022 to a new building with new equipment,and temperature-and humidity-controlled rooms,the collection started to grow again.Since then,the number of specimens has increased from 18,216 to 22,812.Moreover,as one of the small to medium-sized herbaria,the Herbarium(SG)has started to recruit citizens as volunteers.The specimen digitalization work collecting with the National Specimen Information Infrastructure started in 2023 with the help of the volunteers.Information on 5686 specimens has been added to the online system,while 4077 specimens were photographed.The Herbarium has produced and given a series of courses and activities on specimen collecting,illustration,and identifi cation to 276 primary and middle school students.With these efforts,the Herbarium(SG)is looking forward to showcasing its new volunteer program as a way to contribute to the revival and development of small to medium-sized herbaria across the country,and joining the work of biodiversity conservation,plant science research and related popular science education.
作者 刘艳春 莫健彬 屠涵舒 许源 陈婷媛 肖月娥 魏宇昆 严巍 LIU Yanchun;MO Jianbin;TU Hanshu;XU Yuan;CHEN Tingyuan;XIAO Yue-e;WEI Yukun;YAN Wei(Shanghai Botanical Garden,Shanghai 200231,China;Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Sustainable PlantInnovation,Shanghai 200231,China)
出处 《园林》 2024年第S01期49-56,共8页 Landscape Architecture Academic Journal
基金 上海市科委社会发展科技攻关项目“面向国家植物园功能扩展的珍稀濒危和乡土植物保育关键技术研究”(编号:23DZ1204601) 上海植物园青年课题“上海植物园珍稀濒危植物种质保存与种子专题展”(编号:ZWQ202201)。
关键词 上海植物园 标本馆 志愿者 科普 Shanghai Botanical Garden herbarium volunteers science popularization
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