

Study on simulated treatment of aquaculture tail water by threekinds of aquatic plant subsurface flow constructed wetland
摘要 为了解潜流人工湿地对养殖尾水的处理效果,比较蕹菜、凤眼莲、喜旱莲子草三种水生植物潜流人工湿地对草鱼养殖池塘尾水的净化效果,并探讨潜流人工湿地在不同水力负荷、排停水和排水转换对池塘养殖尾水的处理效果,以及潜流人工湿地微生物群落多样性和组成。结果显示:蕹菜、凤眼莲和喜旱莲子草分别对总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH_(4)^(+)-N)和化学需氧量(COD_(Mn))去除率最高,为24.7%、25.1%和25%。停水时,蕹菜、凤眼莲和喜旱莲子草均对NH_(4)^(+)-N去除率最低,分别为-526.07%、-871.08%和-1196.46%。水力负荷为低(5.76 m^(3)/d)时,蕹菜、凤眼莲和喜旱莲子草分别对COD_(Mn)、NH_(4)^(+)-N和TP去除率最高,为30.4%、42.5%和22.1%。蕹菜Shannon、Ace和Chao 1均最高,喜旱莲子草Simpson最高。3组样本共分析出5131个OTU,注释为45个门,293个目和974个属;蕹菜停水前、中和后共分析出5021个OTU,注释为47个门,294个目和953个属。研究表明,水生植物潜流人工湿地对养殖尾水具有一定的净化效果,运行期间停水会降低净化效果,水力负荷低的净化效果大于中和高,微生物群落多样性和组成的差别影响了人工潜流湿地对养殖池塘尾水的净化效果。 In order to understand the effect of subsurface flow constructed wetland on the treatment of aquaculture tail water,we constructed three subsurface flow wetlands ( Ipomoea aquatica,Eichhornia crassipes,philoxeroides ) to compare the effects on tail water purification of grass carp ponds,and analyzed the mechamism of microorganisms.The effects of treatment of ponds for tail water of ponds with different hydraulic loads,drainage,suspension and drainage conversion were discussed,and the diversity and composition of microbial community of subsurface flow constructed wetland were also discussed.The results showed that in Ipomoea aquatica,Eichhornia crassipes,philoxeroides groups ,the removal rates of TP,NH_(4)^(+)-N and COD_(Mn) was the highest respectively,for 24.7%,25.1% and 25%;When the system was shut down,the removal rates of NH_(4)^(+)-N was the lowest in in Ipomoea aquatica,Eichhornia crassipes,philoxeroides groups, for-526.07%,-871.08%,and-1 196.46%;When the system was under the low hydraulic load (5.76 m^(3)/d),in Ipomoea aquatica,Eichhornia crassipes,philoxeroides groups ,the removal rates of COD_(Mn) ,NH_(4)^(+)and TP was the highest respectively,for 30.4%,42.5% and 22.1%.For the microbial community diversity,the Shannon,Ace and Chao 1 index of Ipomoea aquatica groups were the highest,while for Simpson index,the Alternanthera philoxeroides groups was the highest.A total of 5131 samples were identified from the samples of the three aquatic plants groups,which were annotated to 45 phyla,293 orders and 974 genera.And total of 5 021 OTU samples were obtained from the Ipomoea aquatica groups in drainage,suspension and drainage conversion period,including 47 phyla,294 orders and 953 genera.The study has shown that aquatic plant subsurface flow constructed wetland had a certain purification effect on aquaculture tail water,while the purification effect will reduce when the water shut down,and the purification effect of low hydraulic load was greater than that of high and medium.The diversity and composition of microbial communities affected the purification effect of subsurface flow constructed wetland on the tail water of aquaculture ponds.
作者 阙祥尧 张燕萍 余建芳 吴子君 侯明勇 丁国栋 刘文鼎 钟佳慧 张子莹 熊文清 章海鑫 QUE Xiangyao;ZHANG Yanping;YU Jianfang;WU Zijun;HOU Mingyong;DING Guodong;LIU Wending;ZHONG Jiahui;ZHANG Ziying;XIONG Wenqing;ZHANG Haixin(Jiangxi Fisheries Research Institute,Nanchang 330039,Jiangxi,China;Jiangxi Fishery Resources and Ecological Environment Monitoring Center,Nanchang 330039,Jiangxi,China)
出处 《渔业现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期105-116,共12页 Fishery Modernization
基金 国家特色淡水鱼产业技术体系(CARS-46-37) 江西省重点研发项(2021ZPYFB0082)。
关键词 潜流湿地 人工湿地 水生植物 水力负荷 微生物群落 养殖尾水 subsurface flow wetland constructed wetland aquatic plant hydraulic load microbial community aquaculture tail water
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