

The Military Reforms of Charles VI and the Modernization of France
摘要 查理七世及其顾问解决了和平时期供养军队的难题,创建了中世纪以来西欧第一支常备军——敕令骑兵队。一支纪律严格、战斗力强的军队使查理七世迅速收复被英军占领的土地,赢得百年战争的最终胜利。常备军的建立是法国绝对主义王权兴起的关键步骤,也是其从封建君主国向近代国家转变的重要节点,它促进了法国国家统一和国家认同的形成,推动国家对暴力的垄断,改善了法国的社会治安。查理七世改革推动了法国迈向近代化的历史进程。 Charles VIl and his advisors were able to resolve the problem of feeding an army in peacetime to create the compagnies d'ordonnance-the first standing army in Western Europe since the Middle Ages.Equipped with a disciplined,combat-worthy army,Charles VI successfully reclaimed territories occupied by the English and secured the decisive victory ending the Hundred Years'War.The creation of this standing army marked a pivotal moment in France's evolution toward absolute monarchy and its transformation from a feudal monarchy to a modern state.The establishment of a standing army strengthened French national unity and identity,facilitated the monopoly of violence means by the state,and improved public security.Charles Ⅶ's reforms were instrumental to the historical process of France's modernization.
作者 许二斌 Xu Erbin
出处 《历史研究》 北大核心 2024年第5期153-172,M0007,共21页 Historical Research
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"常备军兴起与近代早期西欧社会研究"(22ASS003)阶段性成果。
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